The objective of this article was to determine the relationship between the use of virtual classrooms and academic performance. The quantitative correlational research involved the participation of 90 students, who completed a questionnaire. The findings showed that 74.4 % of the...
Selecciona el Aula Virtual de tu preferencia Aportes en Línea Aportes en Línea (en vivo) Gigha Manpower Elite Consorcio Express SAS Gobernación de Boyacá Dar ayuda Alimentos La Cali S.A.S Gobernación de Boyacá (Secretaría de Educación) ...
Tel:571-467-2719 Bogotá, Colombia. Equipos educativos para laboratorios de ciencias, educación y tecnología, aulas virtuales StudyRoom, idiomas, física, química y biología.
APRENDIZAJE EN AULAS VIRTUALES DE ESTUDIANTES DE ENFERMERA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADORdoi:10.31243/ei.uta.v8i1.1876.2023Introduction: Virtual classrooms are platforms that allow the grouping of a series of digital resources, which facilitate online learning in ...
VIRTUAL realitySOCIAL interactionThe contingency caused by SARS COV-2 in 2020 and 2021 has spread technology-mediated education and the implementation of particular strategies to attend the teaching-learning process in virtual classrooms. The study of interactions in a v...