GAMIFICAO NA AULA DE GEOGRAFIA COMO ESTRATGIA DE ENGAJAMENTO E MOTIVAO DOS ALUNOSdoi:10.54751/revistafoco.v16n9-125LEARNINGELECTRONIC gamesACADEMIC motivationSTUDENT engagementEDUCATIONAL gamesThis article aims to discuss the importance of electronic games in education an...
Elaborao e desenvolvimento de aula de geografia para educao básicadoi:10.18227/2177-4307.acta.v17i44.5516The work presented here is part of a larger research - developed with a group of teachers of Basic Education, and it investigated how they organiz...
DISCURSO DIALGICO ENTRE CONCEITOS DE BAKHTIN E O DESENHO ANIMADO IRMO DO JOREL PARA UMA AULA DE GEOGRAFIAdoi:10.12957/geouerj.2023.75112CAPITALISMGEOGRAPHYTechnologies have increasingly invaded school environments and teachers seek to follow this race, bringing new ways...
O CURRCULO PAULISTA DE GEOGRAFIA: análise das práticas curriculares da sala de auladoi:10.15687/rec.v9i2.29301SAO Paulo (Brazil)GEOGRAPHY educationCRITICAL thinkingMAPSThis article aims to discuss how the guidelines present in So Paulo's geography curriculum has influenced the dev...
dos Santos, Leonardo PintoMenezes, Victória SabbadoCostella, Roselane ZordanRevista FSA
AS TIRINHAS NO ENSINO DA GEOGRAFIA E A DIVERSIDADE CULTURAL DENTRO DA SALA DE AULAdoi:10.54751/revistafoco.v16n5-157CULTURAL pluralismCRITICAL thinkingCLASSROOMSCOMEDIANSGEOGRAPHYThis article sought to portray the importance of using visual didactic material in Ge...