The Augustan age of English literature includes the writers Dryden, Swift and Pope. 在英国文学的全盛时期有德莱顿,斯威夫特和蒲柏等文豪。 3. The first half of the eighteenth century is commonly named in histories of literature as the Augustan Age in England. 十八世纪上半页在英格...
Define Augustan age. Augustan age synonyms, Augustan age pronunciation, Augustan age translation, English dictionary definition of Augustan age. of any national literature, the period of its highest state of purity and refinement; - so called because the
augustan age拉丁文学全盛时期 双语例句 用作名词(n.) The first half of the eighteenth century is commonly named in histories of literature as the Augustan Age in England. 十八世纪上半页在英格兰的文学史上通常被称为奥古斯都时代。 权威例句
Ancient Historyof or pertaining to Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor, or to the age (Augus′tan Age′)in which he flourished, which marked the golden age of Latin literature. Fine Art, Literatureof or pertaining to the neoclassic period, esp. of 18th-century English literature. n....
the Augustan age of England. Augustus (also known as:Caesar Augustus; Augustus Caesar; Octavian). Prima Porta statue, Vatican Museum, Rome. Caius Octavius was the son of a noble Roman of the same name, of the plebeian order. The father had married Atia, the daughter of Julia, sister to...
HISTORYHighlights the significance of members of parliament in England as intercessors between local and central government in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Assessment of development of the state in the Augustan period; Role of member of parliament as town lobbyist and town representative ...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) The Difference Between 'i.e.' and 'e.g.' Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up ...
1. of or pertaining to the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar or to his age, considered the golden age of Latin literature. 2. of or pertaining to neoclassicism in English literature. [1695–1705; < Latin] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyr...
Ellis, JoyceJ. Ellis, 'On the Town: Women in Augustan England', History Today, 45 (December 1995), 22. For more on women as readers in the Augustan Age, see K. Shevelow, Women and Print Culture (1989),27-37; Hunt, Middling Sort, 85....
2. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) of, relating to, or characteristic of any literary period noted for refinement and classicism, esp the late 17th century in France (the period of the dramatists Corneille, Racine, and Molière) or the 18th century in England (the period of Swift, Pop...