Two small points on an end-of-summer weekend. One is connected to Labor Day and the meaning of work. It grows out of an observation Mike Huckabee made on his Fox show a few weeks ago. He said that we see joblessness as an economic fact, we talk about the financial implications of wi...
In short, these poems do not feel cherished, lived-in, breathed by the reader. “Amorosa anticipación” is voiced without intimacy or tenderness, “Ragnarök” is declaimed like an essay devoid of mystery or meaning, and “My Last Tiger” is unpacked as discrete impressions that never ...
That has left some producers with a surplus that they cannot price high enough to make a profit. …In June, the European Union initially gave France about $172 million to destroy nearly 80 million gallons of wine, and the French government announced additional funds this week. …Costs are so...
particularly coyote music, which is cast to the air in a kind of magic. I thought of my essay, “Euclid’s Orchard”, which also hears the music and tries to make sense of it. Not only its location but its meaning, over time. ...
St Augustine,The Literal Meaning of Genesis, tr. John Hammond Taylor, in:Ancient Christian Writers41 (1982), 2 vols, ISBN: 0-8091-0326-5 and ISBN: 0-8091-0327-3. This contains CPL 266 only. St Augustine,On Genesis: Two Books on Genesis Against the Manichees and On the Literal Inter...
Nothing nearly so exciting, I fear. This phrase means simply “near.” My copy of theShorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principlestells me that this usage of “hard” (with “by”) is archaic and dates to 1526. The meaning of “hard” is “close, of time or place,” but...
Finally, the latestOxfordcitation for the verb “accommodate” used in its obliging sense is fromTwo in Bed: The Social System of Couple Bed Sharing(2006), by Paul C. Rosenblatt: “An important part of getting along with someone in a long term, intimate relationship is learning how to acco...
Oxford in the Twilight of My Mind. Poem. Toni Calvello August 29, 2013August 21, 2013byRobin Ouzman Hislop Old Oxford town rolling into view. * From the tour bus window I vaguely remember the distant past; I remember the neighborhood, ...
in Gaeltacht areas during the first decades of the last century. […] It will chart the morphological, contextual, and semantic development of words which will give a greater insight into Ireland’s language and culture during the period. “The easiest comparison is with the Oxford English ...
The Häagen-Dazs ice cream company was founded in 1961 in New York. The name, while perhaps Scandinavian-sounding, has no meaning and was made up by founders Reuben and Rose Mattus. #74. KitchenAid Tinxi // Shutterstock #74. KitchenAid - Positive opinion: 71%- Negative opinion: 2%- Neu...