Class Notes: Sign. Me. Up. The person who wrote this description is clearly a member of the BeyHive, so that’s already a plus. But like previously mentioned, this class sounds hard as shiiiit. But that’s what you get when you break down the genius that is Queen B. Georgia Regents...
Republic Records Launches Kids Division.The newest label from the company with Drake, Ariana Grande, Jonas Brothers and Taylor Swift on its roster will feature family-friendly artists and tunes. The new division, which opened its doors on August 19, is headed up by Bree Bowles, the company’...
Hip Hop Genius: Remixing High School Education my August column for WBHM the See Jane Write website What have your feminist fingertips been up to this month? 5 Things That Made Me a Happy Feminist This Week, Vol. 3 Friday, August 29, 2014 ...
Somewhere between where camp ends and genius begins sits “Planet of the Bass,” aEurodance parody by Kyle Gordonand the song of the summer for smooth-brained listeners who prefer not to digest more than two syllables at a time. The only person now more famous than Gordon’s character, D...
Oops, Britney Spears Seems To Have Forgotten About That Time She Met Taylor Swift Guess that memory must have got lost in the game. Jemima Skelley Conservative Politician Uses Facebook Live To Stream Herself Watching A Documentary About Herself Allow myself to watch ... myself. Brad Espo...
This Taylor Swift Lyrics Quiz Will Reveal Your True Linguistics IQ Hopefully you're "...Ready for it." wishmeluck Blood, Blades, And Beyond: How "Demon Slayer" Propelled Anime Into The Global Spotlight From obliterating box-office records to taking over New York City's Times Square, ...
I'll Admit This Is Freaky, But We Can Guess Your Eye Color Based On Your Taylor Swift Song Preferences Maybe you have beautiful blue eyes like Taylor! jaemae If You Have Used 11/16 Of These Things, You're OLD Old Back in the days of the dial-up screech. aeiky 15 Fascinating...