X CEO Linda Yaccarino says what was Twitter is about to get its head above waterThe new CEO of X, what was formerly Twitter, has sat down for her first interview after taking the lead position at Elon Musk's social media company.Aug 11, 2023 1:20 AM CDT Memblaze launches new high-pe...
two decades later, there were places worn so thin you could see through them, the pockets were sagging from years of use, I had repaired it multiple times, and there were cigarette ash burns where the ashes had fallen off his cigarettes as he sat in his bathrobe every single evening in ...
There are a lot of things that Larry wishes would have happened differently, beginning with that fateful day when his doctor first prescribed Lipitor. His cholesterol test came back a little high for the first time ever and because of his family history the doctor strongly recommended he start ...
that there was a crimp in the plastic tube. Yet, that spot where the iport tube sat inside me felt sore over the entire three days. My initial feverous joy of being free from injections and pain burst into a million little pieces. I caved; this pothole ...
Regardless of formation, they sat very narrow and flooded the centre of the pitch to negate the opponent’s ability to play through them. Fine if you’re able to keep your rivals at arms length, but it presented issues in the attacking end with all their creativity parked behind the ball...
For instance: Tushrata (Dasharatha–possessing ten chariots), Baratarna ( Paratarna-great sun); Biridaswa (Brihadashwa- possessing great horses); Artatama (Rtumna-devoted to the divine law, Rta); Rta-smara ( rooted in the Rta); Sattura (Satvar –warrior); Saustatar ( Saukshatra-...
“You can’t make me. I’d rather die than go back to Western Winds,” Jonny replied. He sat back down. Swiveled his head, stared coldly at his sister. “Good luck when I’m gone,” he said. “It’ll be just you, Mom, and the Garden Gnome in this demented house.” ...
Hesitating a bit, Ghost walked over and sat in the swing, next to Steve. “Hey,” Ghost said, softly. Steve looked over, “Hey.” Steve continued to strum his guitar, and as he did, he asked Ghost, “You ok?” “Uh-huh,” ...
Seriously! We hadn't used the car for about three months while my husband was in treatment for a quadruple bypass and it got leaves on it while it sat. They told me that the leaves and debris would dirty up their car wash and I should take it home and hose it down. ...
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