Augmented reality (AR) is an immersivedigitalexperience that combines the user’s real world environment with an artificial digital overlay, such as graphical displays, images, audio, and text. Augmented reality is thus defined by augmenting the user’s real world environment with extra digital asse...
Using our web AR solution we created an fun and shareable mobile campaign for Magnum. Tapping on Magnum’s mobile banner ads launched the AR experience without the need for download.
Evaluating your requirements and engaging with AR professionals can help you select the best technology stack for your project.Want a detailed estimate for the cost of your augmented reality app? Contact us → → Real-world examples: The cost of augmented reality projects in our portfolio...
Augmented reality has a variety of uses, from assisting in the decision-making process to entertainment. AR is used to either visually change natural environments in some way or to provide additional information to users. The primary benefit of AR is that it manages to blend digital and three-...
In an accelerating digital landscape, augmented reality (AR) is transforming human-computer interaction, with examples spanning from gaming experiences likePokémon GOto innovative enterprise solutions. Recently,Tech Wire Asiaspoke with Brian “Bam” McClendon, Senior Vice President of Engineering at Nianti...
10 Coolest examples of augmented reality (AR) applications that you will find useful whether you are just playing or working.
虽然AR技术在国外已经比较成熟,并频繁并应用到商业化产品中,但是在国内还停留在学术研究阶段,出了盛大游玩网出的切客里使用到了AR技术之外,我还暂时不知道第二家。但是相信随着AR技术的不断完善,国内手机市场情况孕育到位,相信未来,Augmented Reality + Location会是一个趋势,开发者的想象力跟使用者的需求间是否能对...
Sephora’s innovative AR shopping app features a Virtual Artist; leveraging facial recognition technology, customers are able to digitally try on products by scanning their face using the app. From there, they can apply different shades of makeup using augmented reality. If...
Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience where a real-world environment is enhanced with computer-generated visual elements, sounds, and other stimuli. It can provide a user with a heightened, more immersive experience than they would experience otherwise, which adds to the user's enjoy...