x is long. In this paper, we show how to efficiently use the so-called basic iterative algorithms when the matrix A is Toeplitz, symmetric, and positive definite. We also propose an improved version that converges much faster than some other iterative methods. We present some simulations and ...
that the QR factorization of an $m \times n$ matrix A via the modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm (MGS) is numerically equivalent to that arising from Householder transformations applied to the matrix A augmented by an n by n zero matr... ? Bj?Rck,CC Paige - 《Siam Journal on Matrix Analys...
We show that if more of the model structure is highlighted at themodelling stage, and these are exploited in preprocessing the formulation before the problemmatrix is produced, then we get easily solvable integer programs for the data instances underconsideration. We give computational results for ...
The graph of the sparse matrix is split into sub-graphs and a condensed linear system, namely the Schur complement system, is solved iteratively for the unknowns associated with the interface between the sub-graphs; a sparse direct solver is used for the variables associated with the internal ...
At the scattering layer plane, the calibrated matrix M is incorporated into the complex wavefront. At the detector plane, the phase is retained, and the amplitude is replaced with the intensity-only image I. The AP-based solver provides the ability to recover the complex wavefront. More ...
mini-apps/matrix-redist Work on miniapp Mar 4, 2024 mix Fix array dimension issue in kerker.F90 Mar 6, 2024 mpi Correct info on selected solver Mar 20, 2024 opc Remove lambda parameter from input since it does not affect OPC Sep 22, 2021 ...
Over the past couple of weeks I created an Augmented Reality Suduko solver: This project makes use of the WebAssembly build of OpenCV (a C++ computer vision library), Tensorflow (a machine learning library) and a solver written in Rust. It neatly demonstrates how WebAssembly allows you to ...
Homogeneous matrix polynomials and multi-instant augmented multi-indexed matrix Firstly, the related definitions about homogeneous matrix polynomials are needed in the main proof, which are consistent with those in [15]. The set Δr is defined as Δr={α∈Rr;∑i=1rαi=1;α≥0}. Define α...
Variable splitting and augmented Lagrangian method are widely used in image processing. This chapter briefly reviews its applications for solving the total variation (TV) related image restoration problems. Due to the nonsmoothness of TV, related models and variants are nonsmooth convex or nonconvex ...
simulations is increased in a concurrent multiscale FE2 setting, these approaches require computing the solution of a warping problem on the cross-section scale for every quadrature point of the simulation on the beam scale, which has to be repeated for every iteration of the numerical solver [...