Bennett, T, Malmfors, T, Cobb, JLS (1973) Fluorescence histochemical observations on catecholamine-containing cell bodies in Auerbach's plexus. Z Zellforsch Mikrosk Anat 139: pp. 69-81Bennet, T., Maimfors, T. and Cobb, J.L.S., Fluorescence histochemical observations on catecholamine- ...
C. (1958) Electronmicroscopic observations on Auerbach's plexus in the rabbit, with special reference to the problem of smooth muscle innervation. American Journal of Anatomy 103 , 99–136.Richardson, K. C. (1958). Electron microscopic observations on Au- erbach's plexus in the rabbit, with...
The density of the sympathetic innervation and enteric neuron number in Auerbach's plexus has been investigated by glyoxylic acid histofluorescence and by enzyme histochemistry respectively, in the jejunum of adult rats whose mothers had... RM Santer,VB Conboy - 《Journal of Anatomy》 被引量: 81...
Plexus AuerbachVessel innervationNoradrenergicThe ganglia of the plexus myentericus (Auerbach) have their own self-acting vascularization in the form of periganglionic capillary networks. As to the architecture and density, they are quite different from the intramuscular capillary bed. Just as...
Plexus AuerbachVessel innervationNoradrenergicThe ganglia of the plexus myentericus (Auerbach) have their own self-acting vascularization in the form of periganglionic capillary networks. As to the architecture and density, they are quite different from the intramuscular capillary bed. Just as the ...