Auel / 赵忠孝 等译 / 肈玉厚 王昕 插图 / 吉林人民出版社 9.2 / 128人评价 横越冰川 (2012) (美)琼·奥尔 / Jean M. Auel / 张帆 / 作家出版社 8.8 / 20人评价 > 更多版本(2) 爱拉与洞熊族 (2013) (美)琼·奥尔 / Jean M. Auel / 张帆 / 作家出版社 8.6 / 67人评价 > ...
Every one of the books have always been written as independent novels. They're a very tight series... But The Shelters of Stone...there are people that have told me that they have not read any of the others ones and they have read The Shelters and it's got a beginning...and a ...
豆瓣6.0全新发布× 豆瓣 扫码直接下载 iPhone·Android 评分年份角色 洪荒孤女(全四册)128 9.2 1995作者 横越冰川20 8.8 2012作者 爱拉与洞熊族67 8.7 2013作者 野马河谷34 8.0 2012作者 猛犸猎人31 6.8 2012作者 > 我来报错 > 我来补充 >去 Jean M. Auel 作者页...
In any case, generic definitions aside, Auel's control over masses of detail, and her compulsive storytelling style, put the Earth's Children books on a level far above most of their very numerous predecessors. The first book was filmed as The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986), directed by ...
Anyone (e.g. students, teachers, lecturers, writers of scientific papers, libraries, writers of books, film/video makers, the general public) may use and reproduce, crop and alter the maps which I have drawn and photographs which I have made of objects and scenes at no charge, and without...
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In 1980, Jean M. Auel (b. 1936) published The Cían of the Cave Bear (1980). The book was an...Clasquin-Johnson, MichelAssociation for the Study of Religion in Southern AfricaJournal for the Study of Religion Jsr
(1936–)an American writer whose books are about people inprehistoricEurope. Her best-known book isThe Clan of the Cave Bear. 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习的有利工具。
The new book also marks a significant first for the author:The Land of Painted Caveswill also be published in an e-book edition, and for the first time, Auel’s entire series will be published in e-book format. Bantam will bring out e-book editions of each of the previous books in ...