1. 如果audit_log状态为ACTIVE,说明启用成功。如果状态为OFF,则需要检查前面的步骤是否正确执行。 总结 通过以上步骤,你已经成功实现了"mysql audit_log=ACTIVE"。现在,MySQL将会记录所有操作日志,并以JSON格式保存。你可以根据自己的需求调整audit_log_policy来记录特定的操作类型。 注意:启用audit_log需要在具备足够...
插件是否正确安装: 使用SHOW PLUGINS;检查audit_log的状态,确保它处于“ACTIVE”状态。 日志文件路径和权限: 在配置文件中设置的日志文件路径需要确保MySQL用户有写权限。 MySQL版本: 确保使用的MySQL版本支持audit_log插件。 8. 性能影响 虽然audit_log插件非常有用,但也会对系统性能产生一定的影响。建议在生产环境中...
Started break using Time clock BreakStarted A user successfully starts a break during an active Time clock session. Ended break using Time clock BreakEnded A user successfully ends a break during an active Time clock session. Added Time clock entry TimeClockEntryAdded A user successfully adds a ...
Office 365 Management API The Office 365 Management Activity API aggregates actions and events into tenant-specific content blobs, which are classified by the type and source of the content they contain. Currently, these content types are supported: Audit.AzureActiveDirectory ...
. | audit_log | ACTIVE | AUDIT | audit_log.so | PROPRIETARY | +---+---+---+---+---+ 43 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> show variables like 'audit_log%'; +---+---+ | Variable_name | Value | +---+---
active =yes #vi /etc/audisp/audisp-remote.conf #修改第 6 行 remote_server =cyq1 #修改第 7 行设置监听端口为 60 port = 60 #vi /etc/audit/auditd.conf #修改第 6 行 log_format =NOLOG 然后重启服务 #service auditd restart 使用aureport 命令生成审计消息的报表 ...
ResourceManagement Get active key metadata from policy key ResourceManagement Get authentication flows policy ResourceManagement Get available output claims ResourceManagement Get configured custom identity providers ResourceManagement Get configured identity providers ResourceManagement Get configured local identity pr...
Active and completed search jobs are displayed in the search job dashboard. The dashboard displays the following information for each search job: Search name: The name of the search job. The full search name for a job can be seen by hovering the cursor over the search job name. ...
租户ID,可通过调用接口 GetUserActiveTenant 获取该参数的值。 3*** 返回参数 名称类型描述示例值 object TotalCount long 操作总记录数。 1 RequestId string 请求ID。 39BC9C86-95AE-58F2-9862-A7C3D896*** ErrorCode string 错误码。 MissingStartTime ErrorMessage string 错误信息。 StartTime is mandat...
When the active audit log is archived, the current timestamp in the following format is appended to the filename:YYYYMMDDHHMMSS(whereYYYYis the year,MMis the month,DDis the day,HHis the hour,MMis the minutes, andSSis the seconds.