Updated over 2 months ago Health Scorereflects the proportion of internal URLs crawled by Site Audit that don't have errors. The ranges for the health score ratings are: Weak: 0-30 Fair: 31-70 Good: 71-90 Excellent: 91-100 To understand Health Score, it would be important to...
Updated response UpdateResponse Form owner has updated a comment or score on a quiz. Property ResponseId:string and Property ResponderId:string indicates which result is being viewed. For an anonymous responder, the ResponderId property is null. Deleted all responses DeleteAllResponses Form owner del...
Updated response UpdateResponse Form owner has updated a comment or score on a quiz. Property ResponseId:string and Property ResponderId:string indicates which result is being viewed. For an anonymous responder, the ResponderId property is null. Deleted all responses DeleteAllResponses Form owner del...
Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues This issue exists in the latest npm version I am using the latest npm Current Behavior For complex (multiple major versioned) CVE ranges, https://registry.npmjs.org...
Toxicity Score (TS) of the linking page: To measure how potentially harmful the linking page could be. TheToxicity Scoreranges from 0 to 100. The lower the TS, the higher the link’s quality. The higher the TS, the lower the link’s quality. You can click on the TS score to see ...
Administrative issues is a relatively new calling which created from the yearning of governments to ensure general wellbeing by controlling the security and viability of items in ranges including pharmaceuticals, veterinary drugs, therapeutic gadgets, pesticides, agrochemicals, beautifying agents and correlati...
The term “album” has a high search score of 26. The term “picture” has a high search score of 40. The term “family” has a high search score of 47. By adding the term “picture” we can potentially rank for longer search terms such as “picture app” & “picture widget”. ...
Changes to service principals and applications, updates to company settings, and many other directory related details are captured here. Because so many logs are included in this service, utilize the filter options and date ranges to narrow down the results....
In Model4, the dependent variable,READABILITY,captures the extent audit reports easily communicate their message about the audit process to their intended audience (Henry and Leone2016; Smith and Smith1971; Smith2019). This is measured by the widely used Fog index score, which increases with level...
Based on the term frequency-IDF vectors for each client firm-year, we calculate the pairwise similarities of narrative disclosures for all possible client firm-pairs in each year and obtain a wording similarity scoreWORDING_SIMi,j. This is a continuous variable that ranges from 0 to 1, with ...