Alcohol:077 Alcohol use among Russian men: the association between audit score and self- and proxy-reported drinking behavioursObjectives Alcohol use in Russia has a number of relatively distinct features which have been shown to be strongly associated with mortality. The aim of this paper is to ...
Audit-C score interpretation If your result lies within the normal range of alcohol consumption –you have nothing to worry about. Try to keep your drinking to this level. If your result is in the moderate risk category, it means that you are at moderate risk of causing yourself future harm...
In relation to the AUDIT-C, a cut-off score ≥5 points has been set by regional law to identify, among this category of workers, those who need more accurate alcohol screening and brief intervention. Nevertheless, the optimal AUDIT-C threshold for unhealthy alcohol use is still unclear. For...
障碍筛查量表”(Alcohol Use Dis order T est)。该量表共 10题,前8道题为五级评分,后2道题为三级评分,条目包括饮酒量、饮酒频度、酒依赖项目和一过性遗 忘等。英文问卷由本文作者翻译成中文,由2位专业 人员进行了校对。并根据中国文化背景对个别问题的 文字按原文进行了修改,以利于中国对象回答。将量 1 中国...
Brief alcohol screening questionnaires are increasingly used to identify alcohol misuse in routine care, but clinicians also need to assess the level of consumption and the severity of misuse so that appropriate intervention can be offered. Information provided by a patient's alcohol screening score mi...
Discover more about the WHO-developed Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) works and how it can help you or someone else to identify a drinking problem.
障碍筛查量表”(Alcohol Use Dis order T est)。该量表共 10题,前8道题为五级评分,后2道题为三级评分,条目包括饮酒量、饮酒频度、酒依赖项目和一过性遗 忘等。英文问卷由本文作者翻译成中文,由2位专业 人员进行了校对。并根据中国文化背景对个别问题的 文字按原文进行了修改,以利于中国对象回答。将量 1 中国...
In addition, we evaluated the third AUDIT question as a 1-item screening test with a possible score of 0 to 4. The AUDIT was scored if 5 or more questions (at least half) were answered. Telephone interviews included a modified version of the World Health Organization trilevel alcohol ...
alcohol hazardousandharmfuldrink ing 1982年世界卫生组织 (WHO)组织了一个多国 协作研究,旨在发展一个能在人群中早期筛查出危险 饮酒和有害饮酒的量表,有近2000名饮酒者参与了 测试研究一 ,由此发展出了“酒精使用障碍筛查量 表”(AUDIT)。目前AUDIT是唯一用于筛查危险饮酒 ...
【关键词】 精神病学 物质滥用 AUDTI 危险及有害饮酒 界限分 TheTestofAUDIT m. C:hina LIBing,SHEN Yucun,ZHANG Boquan etⅡf. InstituteofMentalHealth,PekingUniversity 100083 A【bstract】Objective:Tofindouthtecut—offpointofAUDTI (alcoholusedisordersidentificationtest)inChinese and screenoutpeopleofhaz...