According to Singapore’s company Act, it’s a requirement that a company registered in Singapore should have at least one local director who is a resident of Singapore. A nominee director in Singapore is therefore a person who is obligated to act in accordance with the instructions, directions...
In fact, a research report by ACCA in Singapore, commissioned by the Singaporean regulator ACRA, showed that AC chairs greatly valued auditors' comments on many parts of the business. The chairs appreciated the auditors' expertise on accounting matters and the fact that they brought issues to ...
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百度关键词 7天 30天 前10名 前20名 前30名 前40名 前50名 0 0 0 0 0 最近访问
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355个字符 (一般不超过100字符) how to start a business in singapore, starting a business in Singapore, Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, ACRA, Business Registrar, Public Accountants, Auditors, Corporate Service Providers, Business Information, BizFile, business registration, corporate website...
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