l 取得发生事件的日期与时间,可能是利用的SQL Server 2008之后新提供的日期时间函数SYSUTCDATETIME()。回传的数据类型是datetime2,内容值包含执行SQL Server实例的服务器的日期和事件。而这个日期与时间是以国际标准时间(Coordinated Universal Time:UTC)时间格式回传,此函数将取回服务器上的格林威治时间(Greenwich Mean...
the SQL Server engine.Audit action groupsare predefined groups of actions. Both are at the SQL Server database scope. These actions are sent to the audit, which records them in the target. Don't include server-scoped objects, such as the system views, in a user database audit ...
Da die Datenbank-Engine auf die Datei zugreifen kann, können SQL Server-Anmeldungen mit CONTROL SERVER-Berechtigungen über die Datenbank-Engine auf Überwachungsdateien zugreifen. Um alle Benutzer aufzuzeichnen, die die Überwachungsdatei lesen, definieren Sie eine Überwachung ...
Audit events are the atomic actions that can be audited by the SQL Server engine. Audit action groups are predefined groups of actions. Both are at the SQL Server database scope. These actions are sent to the audit, which records them in the target. Don't include server-scoped ob...
the SQL Server engine.Audit action groupsare predefined groups of actions. Both are at the SQL Server database scope. These actions are sent to the audit, which records them in the target. Don't include server-scoped objects, such as the system views, in a user database audit ...
the SQL Server engine.Audit action groupsare predefined groups of actions. Both are at the SQL Server database scope. These actions are sent to the audit, which records them in the target. Don't include server-scoped objects, such as the system views, in a user database audit ...
the SQL Server engine.Audit action groupsare predefined groups of actions. Both are at the SQL Server database scope. These actions are sent to the audit, which records them in the target. Don't include server-scoped objects, such as the system views, in a user database audit ...
Sign in with Microsoft Sign in or create an account.KB4538344 - FIX: Passwords are masked in audit logs in SQL Server 2019 Applies ToSQL Server 2019 on Linux SQL Server 2019 on Windows Symptoms When you audit commands that contain passwords such as CREATE LOGIN or CREATE CREDENT...
In this article Remarks Related Content Applies to: SQL ServerThe SQL Server Audit feature enables you to audit server-level and database-level groups of events and events. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). SQL Server.Audits...
DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUPThis event is raised whenever aGRANT,REVOKE, orDENYis issued for a statement permission by any principal in SQL Server (This applies to database-only events, such as granting permissions on a database).