傲立AUDIOLAB 8200M 单声道后级 Using two monobloc amplifiers, rather than a two-channel stereo power amplifier, can significantly improve the performance of any hi-fi system. The 8200M builds upon the template provided by the 8200P to deliver a single-channel amplifier of exceptional talent. ...
英国傲立audiolab 8200A功放 商品品牌:英国傲立 audiolab 本店售价:¥5500元 商品点击数:40296 简单描述:全新行货保修 联系人:李先生 13829461623(微信同号) 业务QQ:1215102187 经销地址:汕头市龙湖区创意音响广场46号2楼42号 中文音响 英国傲立audiolab 8200A功放 ...