Shop Wireless ATH-M50xBT2 The Legend is Back The fan-favorite Sound Burger, makes a welcome return after 40 years! Learn More Introducing StreamSet™ Designed for streamers and content creators, the ATH-M50xSTS StreamSet is the world’s first professional streaming headset that combines the le...
ATH-M50xSTS StreamSet™ The Professional Streaming Headset Designed for streamers and content creators, the ATH-M50xSTS StreamSet is the world’s first professional streaming headset that combines the legendary studio sound of the ATH-M50x headphones with the clarity of the iconic 20 Series microph...
Designed for streamers and content creators, the ATH-M50xSTS StreamSet™ is the world’s first professional streaming headset that combines the legendary studio sound of the ATH-M50x headphones with the clarity of the iconic 20 Series microphones.
Introducing the newest addition to our content creation gear, theATH-M50xSTS and ATH-M50xSTS-USBStreaming Headsets. These models are the world’s first professional streaming headsets that combine the legendary studio sound of theATH-M50xheadphones with the clarity of the iconic20 Seriesmicrophones....
Audio-Technica 发布新款直播专用流媒体耳机 ATH-M50xSTS / ATH-M50xSTS-USB,这两款耳机是基于广受好评的 ATH-M50X 专业监听耳机,并且融合了经典的 20 系列话筒技术,是专为满足从事直播内容创作者的需求而开发的,可为接收端的用户和听众提供全频谱、录音室级的声音品质。
Audio-Technica 发布新款直播专用流媒体耳机 ATH-M50xSTS / ATH-M50xSTS-USB,这两款耳机是基于广受好评的 ATH-M50X 专业监听耳机,并且融合了经典的 20 系列话筒技术,是专为满足从事直播内容创作者的需求而开发的,可为接收端的用户和听众提供全频谱、录音室级的声音品质。
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已售少于100 ¥2339点击查看更多 配送: 日本至 阳泉市城区 运费: 免运费预售,付款后7天内发货 保障: 7天无理由退货 破损包退 参数: 颜色分类:Not Specified 规格:ATH-M50xSTS 查看更多 参数信息 品牌 Audio Technica/铁三角 颜色分类 Not Specified 图文详情...
【摆烂搬运#5】ATH-WS330BT 重低音70h续航蓝牙 Audio-Technica 铁三角 ws330bt 392 0 05:27 App 俄罗斯重低音《Sacrifice》 2408 3 08:45 App 水月雨blessing3简评和我对监听耳机的一些看法 370 0 00:34 App 铁三角新品:ATH-M50xSTS-USB(USB麦克风版M50x) 7945 9 07:18 App 用几十元功放板DIY的作品,...