Kaka Transcribe App can transcribing videos,voice,speech,record,meeting into text. Transcribe provides quality, readable transcriptions with just a tap of a button.It also can translate 130+ languages, it make video/audio to translated text, subtitles and notes made easy. Kaka Transcribe App, you...
在2015年-2017年,转写进入移动化,这个阶段引入人工智能和ASR技术,实现更高精准度的语音识别和语义理解,这种产品形态更加多元化,以APP、网页、智能硬件等方式展开。 第四阶段 在2017年至今,也是当前的阶段,转写进入人机耦合阶段,是人工智能与人工服务相融合的时刻,产品形态上仍然是以APP、网页、硬件等方式,但机器与人工...
Kaka Transcribe App can transcribing videos,voice,speech,record,meeting into text. Transcribe provides quality, readable transcriptions with just a tap of a button.It also can translate 130+ languages, it make video/audio to translated text, subtitles and notes made easy. Kaka Transcribe App, you...
Use online audio to text converter to transcribe any voice recording in minutes. Offers speaker identification and built-in text editor. Get 30 free minutes today!
一文道清语音转文字市场(Audio-To-Text) 关于语音转文字,大部分想起接触过的会是在聊天软件中出现。除此之外,语音转文字还有许多应用场景。对此,本文将以国内市场为支点,以全球市场视为目标,探寻语音转写产品的诸多可能性。推荐对语音转文字市场感兴趣的小伙伴阅读。
一文道清语音转文字市场(Audio-To-Text) 关于语音转文字,大部分想起接触过的会是在聊天软件中出现。除此之外,语音转文字还有许多应用场景。对此,本文将以国内市场为支点,以全球市场视为目标,探寻语音转写产品的诸多可能性。推荐对语音转文字市场感兴趣的小伙伴阅读。
Transcribe audio to text with 99% accuracy. AI-powered transcription for meetings, interviews & recordings in 100+ languages. Start transcribing for free.
log('ai.textToAudio success', res); swan.showToast({ title: '合成成功', icon: 'none' }); }, fail: err => { console.log('ai.textToAudio fail', err); } }); } }); 代码示例 2:普通女声 在开发者工具中打开 JS Page({ data: { }, textToAudio(){ swan.ai.textToAudio(...
The open-source iOS app that's making quality voice transcription more accessible on mobile devices. iostcaspeech-recognitionopenaispeech-to-texttranscriptionwhisperswiftuituistcomposable-architectureaudio-to-textwhisper-cpp UpdatedSep 21, 2024 Swift ...
Convert audio to text on both Android and iOS devices. Transcribe audio to text free using apps like Speechnotes on android and Dictation speech to text on iOS devices.