Transcribe: The Ultimate AI-Powered Voice to Text App and Productivity Tool. Save your precious time with Transcribe, the ultimate all - in - one AI wizard. It shines in voice - to - text conversion. Swiftly transcribe meetings, flawlessly turn voice notes and memos into text, and smoothly...
基础设施越来越完善,必然会产生许多新需求,对这些市场是新需求,其实对于中美已经是被验证很多次的市场了,因此贯彻“Copy to them”的策略,就语音转写而言,东南亚、印度这些地区很明显的社会特征就是民族多、语言繁多,识字率不高。
总部位于加利福尼亚州洛斯阿尔托斯,也是AI驱动的协作笔记和生产力提升应用程序提供商。 2020年Otter.ai获得来自日本移动运营商NTT Docomo的1000万美元融资,并且宣布与Zoom加强合作关系,为Zoom会议启动实时字幕,并且在疫情期间实现了指数级增长(收入同比增长10倍)。 Otter.ai提供了一个AI驱动的协作笔记记录和生产力提升应...
Transcribe audio to text with 99% accuracy. AI-powered transcription for meetings, interviews & recordings in 100+ languages. Start transcribing for free.
Automatically transcribe your meetings, interviews, lectures, and other conversations. The best-in-class AI quickly and automatically transcribes your audio or…
1. Filmora AI Speech-to-Text Converter Filmora's Speech To Text (STT)function allows you to transcript audio/voice to subtitles/text in one click. it can save your plenty of time on transcribing subtitles and boost your editing efficiency by applying speech-to-text. ...
Transcribe audio to text for free with Happy Scribe, an AI transcription tool with 🎯 85-99% accuracy ⚡First 10 min. free. 120+ languages & and 45+ formats supported.
是的,有一些中国的audio to text工具,它们提供了Python接口,并且是免费的。 一个例子是科大讯飞的语音转文字API,它支持Python接口,并且在中国国内有服务。您可以在科大讯飞的官方网站上找到相关的开发文档和API接口。 另一个例子是百度语音识别API,它也提供了Python SDK,并支持中文语音转文字功能。您可以在百度AI开放...
Would you like to visit an Oracle country site closer to you? 访问oracle China No thanks, I'll stay here 浏览该页面,了解其他国家/地区的网站 Sign in to Oracle Cloud Overview Generative AI AI Services ML Services AI Infrastructure ISVs Solutions CustomersOracle...
With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we provide businesses, media professionals, researchers, and AI developers with high-quality audio to text solutions for their audio or video needs. We also collect custom, quality-assured speech data to support AI training and machine learni...