然而,在我有机会听过的最好的唱放中,绝大多数都以电子管为特色。在我个人的最佳唱放榜单中,占据最前列的是Kondo、Audio Tekne或Thoeress等著名胆机大师的产品。诚然,我的绝对第一,Tenor Audio Phono 1,是一个胆石混合设计,但它仍然意味着你会发现电子管,而且在实现独一无二的性能方面确实发挥了重要作用。这些以...
Cables:Acoustic Revive PCOCC-A oval single core interconnects[in for review], Auditorium 23 speaker cable; various SilverFi interconnects, digital interfaces & speaker cables; White Lightning Moonshine DIY interconnects & speaker cables; Nirvana interconnects & speaker cables; Audio Tekne ARSP-500 speake...
The mono amplifier TM 9502 is a flagship in Audio Tekne range. It Is based on Mr Imai's favorite triode, 6AS7G and Permaloy transformers. It's a push-pull design delivering maximum output of 11 W. It features both, RCA and XLR inputs—a small toggle switch allows user to select one...
The TEA 2000 phonostage is another least expensive device in Audio Tekne's range. It is designed to work with MC (Moving Coil) cartridges. It sports separate inputs for low (10 Ω) and high (100 Ω) impedance pickups and also separate, corresponding outputs. It is also a push-pul...