The ATH-M50x features the same coveted sonic signature as its predecessor, the ATH-M50, with the addition of three interchangable cables. Proprietary 45 mm large-aperture drivers with rare earth magnets and copper-clad aluminum wire voice coils ensur
Shop Wireless ATH-M50xBT2 The Legend is Back The fan-favorite Sound Burger, makes a welcome return after 40 years! Learn More Introducing StreamSet™ Designed for streamers and content creators, the ATH-M50xSTS StreamSet is the world’s first professional streaming headset that combines the le...
Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Audio Equipment说明书 Country RS Stock No Product Descriptions Brand Category Price Before Price Now*Discount offer* Taiwan8091063ATH-M50x Professional Studio Headphones Audio-Technica A&C TWD 5,907TWD 5,316-10% Taiwan8850894Logic Controller Starter-Kit STA-650 CAN BARTH A&...
美国亚马逊 Audio-Technica ATH-M50xDG LIMITED EDITION Professional Studio Monitor Headphones历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Audio-Technica ATH-M50xDG LIMITED EDITION Professional Studio Monitor Headphones
原价$239,之前有过一次金盒特价$129,今日售价$169,但是可以获得$50返现(promotional credit,发货3天内会将code发邮件给你,充值到账户后可在Amazon购物相当于现金,无有效期),算下来只要$119了,比金盒特价还划算了,发货重量2.2磅,预计转运到手¥810,国内售价¥1399,差价蛮大的。返现活动有效期至3月17日。亚马逊...
10 years ago Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Great sound and good comfort make the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x a smash. Isolation could be better, but they come highly recommended regardless.Price History and Popularity Is the current price a good deal? The price history graph shows the lowest price over...
Audio-Technica ATH-M50x 耳机说明书Audio-T echnica U.S., Inc., 1221 Commerce Drive, Stow, Ohio 44224 Audio-Technica Limited,Old Lane, Leeds LS11 8AG England P52003 ©2007 Audio-T echnica U.S., Inc. Printed in Taiwan Frequency Respons e R e s p o n s e... 现有 Audio-Technica铁三角 ATH-M50X 专业监听耳机,现价$117(指导价$239.00)。 美国境内免运费。 点击购买>> 商品介绍:相对于大法的MDR-1A和铁三角的陌生人妻(MSR7)来说,M50x是千元耳机超低调的一个,不过音质却不输前两位。M50x定位监听,注重声音的还原,隔音效果出色,无疑是千元价位的超佳选择之...
Audio-Technica ATH-M50xBL Professional Studio Monitor Headphones (Open Box)881 Amazon ratings Condition Open Box Quantity Limit 1 per customer Sold Out Want more great deals? Sign up for our Daily Digest emails!Open Box: Things for People The units in this event are being sold as "open ...
From the mechanic’s wrench to the roar ofacrowd,Audio-Technicahave worked closely with Dorna Sports to provide solutions that bring fans closer totheaction. ATH-M50xSTS StreamSet™ The Professional Streaming Headset Designed for streamers and content creators, the ATH-M50xSTS StreamSet is the ...