Audio system was not initialized correctly.Error code:60 这个提示的意思是声音部分系统有问题,建议重装声卡驱动或者更新声卡驱动,或者开始游戏后先不要进入游戏,打开配置关闭游戏声音和音效,确定后问题基本就解决了。
与砍杀进入游戏弹出A..与砍杀进入游戏弹出Audio system was not initialized correctly.Error code:60载入纹理时跳出这不是声卡驱动的问题?我选的必要时载入文理
Audio system was not initializ 只看楼主收藏回复 f暗香浮月黄昏 征召民兵 3 Audio system was not initialized correctly.Error code:60出现这个情况了! 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2018-07-10 21:00回复 默默吃瓜 骑士从者 9 直接百度这一断英文……你会发现有不少在砍吧询问这个问题的帖子 来自...
Is it possible to access system audio Hello! I’m making an app which will have a waveform of the frequency of what’s playing on a Mac. The question is whether it is possible to have access to the signal of the media and use it with the FFT?
+This value is necessary to correctly parse the packed Opus packets inside an + Ogg packet, as described in . +This value MUST NOT be zero, as without at least one Opus packet with a valid + TOC sequence, a demuxer cannot recover the duration of an Ogg packet. + +For channel mapping...
.prepare deallocates and can cause a crash if you restart your AudioEngine Another issue I faced was handling .prepare wrong. You don't need .prepare. But if you use installTap or other things, I think you need it. Here is a common thing to note. If you had previous initialized input...
When recording (spoken word) audio via mic input, the noise floor is perceived as the level of ambient noise and residual preamp noise – NOT the system noise. Any such mic input will exhibit a higher perceived noise floor with a reduced SNR compared to a much more efficient DI or electro...
它可不止是一套桌面音箱了,甚至还可以完美提供耳机输入源支持,CAS的全称是compact audio system,简洁音频系统,无 分享1028 骑马与砍杀吧 f暗香浮月黄昏 Audio system was not initialized correctly.Error code:60出现这个情况了! 分享2624 骑马与砍杀吧 衰炮去玩GTA Audio system was not initalized correctly....
Changed: MACDll.dll in the 64-bit install is copied into both the 32-bit and 64-bit system folders (the proper version). Changed: Renamed the MACDll in the 64-bit build MACDll64 (like the Direct Show filter). Changed: 8-bit encoding is a little faster (it was using the 64-bit ...