Audiobel allows you to precisely measure the sound level with the use of the microphone of your device expressed in decibels. Features: • Display average, max…
Audiobel allows you to precisely measure the sound level with the use of the microphone of your device expressed in decibels. Features: • Display average, max…
plain text format, which can be opened with any text editor (Notepad, Wordpad, etc). The data is tab-delimited, so dropping the .txt file into a spreadsheet application will conveniently show the results in columns. The sound level meter may additionaly record the audio data as a WAV-...
while~isDone(reader) audioIn = reader(); lvlMeter(audioIn); player(audioIn);end Algorithms expand all Sample-Peak Measurement True-Peak Measurement Decay References [1] IEC TR 60268-18:1995. "Sound system equipment - Part 18: Peak programme level meters - Digital audio peak level meter."In...
NTi Audio XL2-TA Sound Level Meters说明书 14Nov 20 1 本应用手册描述了使用 XL2-TA 声级计手动验证建筑物内空气声隔声量的过程。所有测量都符合 ISO 16283-1 标准,该标准取代了老版本 ISO140-4 中的相应部分。空气声隔声用于描述两个房间之间的分隔墙能削弱多少传播中的声压级。隔声量...
while~isDone(reader) audioIn = reader(); lvlMeter(audioIn); player(audioIn);end Algorithms expand all Sample-Peak Measurement True-Peak Measurement Decay References [1] IEC TR 60268-18:1995. "Sound system equipment - Part 18: Peak programme level meters - Digital audio peak level meter."In...
The XRCLIF Sound Level Meter is a smart investment for anyone who values precision and ease of use in sound measurement. Specifications Sound meters’ Parameters:Measuring range: 30dBA~130dBAAccuracy: ±1.5 dBFrequency range: 31.5Hz~8.5KHzFrequency weighting: AResolution: 0.1dBMicrophone: 1/2 ...
Fast/Slow for real-time/average sound level readings Design: Compact and portable handheld device for easy use in various settings **Precision and Versatility** The MASTFUYI FY8862 Digital Sound Level Meter is a versatile tool for measuring sound levels in a range from 30 to 130 decibels (dB...
1 Sound Level Meter Spectrum Analyzer STIPA Analyzer Reverberation Time Analyzer Room & Building Acoustics Analyzer XL3 remote access via mobile device 2 The XL3 sets new standards The XL3 is a professional Sound Level Meter and Acoustic Analyzer for noise measurements, room and building acoustics....
while~isDone(reader) audioIn = reader(); lvlMeter(audioIn); player(audioIn);end Algorithms expand all Sample-Peak Measurement True-Peak Measurement Decay References [1] IEC TR 60268-18:1995. "Sound system equipment - Part 18: Peak programme level meters - Digital audio peak level meter."In...