ResearchAudio后级Reference输出功率真空管比功率电子管音响音箱需要大功率真空管机,却又无法承受天价的音响迷们,或许回头看看这台Audio Research几年前推出的VT-200,真的是会感到欣喜无比哦.VT-200的输出功率高达200瓦,售价反而比功率更低的VT-150SE便宜一截,无论再难推的音箱遇到这特大号的电子管怪兽,从此都得...
Standard review procedure means you substitute a new component for your reference. But I had to juggle at least two additional variables so I could listen to Audio Research's $13,990/pair VTM200 hybrid monoblocks, and that made the floor under my feet move more than once during the time ...
Audio Research VT-200后级 维普资讯
wherein Robert Harley raved about theAudio Research VT150, Audio Research's first attempt in many years at a cutting-edge, all-tube amplifier design. In that same issue Harley interviewed designerWilliam Z. Johnson, who alluded to the impending release of the VT130, which Johnson ...
audio research vt60 2025-03-03 Audio Reference Technology A.R.T. Q-Damper Graphite Anti-Resonant Feet. Made In Italy 100USD US Audio Mart 2025-03-03 Wanted Lampizator dac, Primaluna dac, Aqua dac, Audio Research dac8 or Canuck Audio Mart ...
This is a review and detailed measurements of the Audio Research Corporation (ARC) 100.2 stereo power amplifier. It is on kind loan from a member. The 100.2 came out in year 1998 at a cost of US $2,995. It was later raised to US $3,495. If I remember correctly, the owner told...
Audio Zone, CryoClear, Omega: A System Review David's bio Eighth Nerve Room Treatments Firestone & Blueberry Audio headphone amps Lector CDP 0.6T Totem Arro Tube Rolling: MiniMax & Diavolo Underwood Hifi/Unison Research Unico SE Level-2 Dawid Grzyb, Poland - active AMR DP777-SE Boenicke...
Power amplifiers-- Audio Research VT100, Focus Audio Liszt Sonata monoblocks Speakers-- Definitive Technology Mythos ST-L, Focus Audio FP60 BE Speaker cables-- Nordost Frey Interconnects-- Nordost Frey Power cords-- Nordost Vishnu Power conditioner-- Quantum QBase QB8 Mk.II ...
For this review I used the Goldmund Studio/Syrinx PU-3/Koetsu Urushi and California Audio Labs Delta/Sigma II front-ends, Vendetta Research SP-2C and EAR 834P phono stages, Audible Illusions Modulus L1 and Audio Research Reference 1 line stages, and Acarian Systems Alón V Mk.II and Circe...
Audio Research DAC 8 Audio Research DSPre Auralic Altaïr Auralic ARK MX+ Auralic Aries G1+Vega G1 Auralic Vega Auralic Vega G2.1 Aurender A100 AVM Evolution SD 3.2 AVM Evolution MP 5.2 AVM Music Server ML 6.2 AVM Ovation CD 8.2 AVM Ovation MP 6.2 AVM Ovation SD 6.2 A...