美国ARC Audio Research SP9 mk2胆前级ARC CLASSIC 120发烧单声道胆后级一整套,Audio Research SP-9 MK II,带mm黑胶唱放电子管前级,电压220v,成色不错可以打9分吧。SP-9 - 洲道音响于20230614发布在抖音,已经收获了12.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
最近想開始玩LP唱盤,需要唱頭放大電路,為了方便起見,不想搞得太大,手邊剛好有部Audio Research SP9 MKII,據原主說已經故障,趁著顧小孩的空檔時候把它修理好。拜網路發達之賜,維修手冊很容易就找到了,這部機器由於照顧良好,因此也沒啥大不了的毛病,就是沒聲音而已。 大概找了一下問題所在,靜音電路動作不...
there were rumors that Audio Research was working on a hybrid tube/transistor preamplifier targeted to cost less than $2000. The rumors were confirmed when ARC showed a black-and-white photo of the SP9 at the 1987 Winter CES. Obviously, like all magazines, we were impatient to receive a ...
Melody Valve Hifi SP9 Mike Tang Audio Feastrex amp/speakers MiniWatt Tube Amp Miu Audio Non-Review Octave V110 Octave V40 Octave V40SE Octave V70SE Octave V80 and HP500 SE Octave V-80 Onix SP3/Ref1MkII Pure Sound A30 Raysonic Audio SE-30A RCM Bonasus Reckhorn S-30/H-100, DSP-6/A...
First Sound Presence Deluxe MkIII King Sound King III Rosso Fiorentino Volterra Tsakiridis Devices Alexander & Orpheus David Abramson, USA - retired Audio Zone, CryoClear, Omega: A System Review David's bio Eighth Nerve Room Treatments Firestone & Blueberry Audio headphone amps Lector CDP 0.6T ...