All experiments were performed according to rules for animal research from the National Council for Animal Experimentation Control in Brazil (CONCEA). All experiments in this study were approved by the Ethics Committee for Animal Use (CEUA) at the University of São Paulo in Ribeirão Preto, ...
This provides an intriguing direction for future research: Why would visual stimuli take precedence over auditory stimulation when constraint satisfaction is performed using cross-modal information? This is especially relevant if one considers the differences in acquisi- tion trajectories of the different ...
Sellingmy "mint" audio system due homecomputer upgrading expenses: Infinity 4.5 RS speakers, new 2/80, $2,800; Symmetry ACS-2 crossover, new 4/80, make offer; Audio Research D-52B amps, 6/79 2/80,$775 each; Audio Research SP-6B preamp, modified 4/80, $950; Powerlite MC-3 ...
Fazenda Acoustics Research Centre, School of Computing, Science and Engineering, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, Salford M5 4WT, UK; * Correspondence: Academic Editor: Tapio Lokki Received: 31 October 2017; Accepted: 4 December ...