传统Audio Research银白色面板与两侧把手,流露美式粗犷风格,搬动时也很好用。 输入端子很完整,两组平衡加上三组非平衡,搭配前端器材绰绰有馀,而两个平衡输入更清楚告诉大家,用DSi 200综合扩大机最好接「平衡」,这样才能发挥平衡线路的优点。此外还有「Pass Through」端子,可以和家庭剧院系统整合,同样是实用方便的功能。
Audio Research DSi200 AudioSolutions Euphony 140 Audio-Technica ATH-W1000X Audium Comp 5 Audreal v30 AURALiC Taurus Pre/Merak AURALiC Vega/Taurus II & Audeze LCD-3 AVM PA5.2 & SA8.2 Ayre 7-Series separates Ayre K-5xeMP/V-5xe Bel Canto Design CD-2 Bel Canto Design PRe3, S300 and M300...
Audio Research DSi200 Audio Zone AMP-1 Audio Zone, CryoClear, Omega: A System Review Aura Neo & Groove Aura Note Premier Aura Vivid & Vita Avantgarde Acoustic Model 5 Avantgarde Acoustic Model 3 Ayre 7-Series separates Ayre AX-5 Bakoon AMP-11R Bakoon AMP-11R Bakoon Intl. AMP 12-R ...
你好翻译如下:RemoteControl-Only Functions Display Down/Display Up[DSP DN/DSP UP]: Decreases/increases display intensity, offering six levels of brightness and display"off" is selected, a small segment of pixels remains illuminated in the center of the display window as are minder the...
Acknowledgments: Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications are greatly acknowl- edged for their financial support in making this research possible. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. References 1. Meng, H.; Chen, S. Particle swarm optimization based novel ...
Through the research, it is found that in the AAC audio compression process, the audio scale factor decreases with the increase of the compression times. Based on the difference in the statistical characteristics of the scale factor before and after audio re-compression, we propose an AAC dual ...
Note that we did not conduct a multi-factor repeated-measures ANOVA prior to these paired t-test (the same below), because these t-tests alone are sufficient to answer the research question above and are more straightforward, which can reduce the total number of statistical tests conducted, ...
This text is organized as follows: In the next section, we provide a review of prior research on cross-modal processes. Section 3 explains the challenges inherent in performing S2I translation. In Section 4, the details of the S2I translator are outlined. Section 5 presents the results we ...