systematic individual measurement of the perceptual asynchronies may provide a new dimension for further characterising deficits in temporal processing in different clinical populations. For example, differences in phonological speed of processing have previously been reported in dyslexia51,52,...
文档标签: AVEC2013TheContinuousAudioVisualEmotionandDepression 系统标签: depressionavecemotionaudiovisualcontinuousective AVEC2013– TheContinuousAudio/VisualEmotionandDepression RecognitionChallenge ∗ MichelValstar UniversityofNottingham MixedRealityLab BjörnSchuller † TUMünchen MISPGroup,MMK KirstySmith Univer...
(1) they listen to the whole sound from a sounding object or the effect of other buttons, while people without hearing loss only listen to the start, or listen only a certain extent; (2) they listen to sound then think for a while; or (3) the time to start processing sound could ...