This is the essential book reference for amplifier designers. Douglas Self covers all the design issues of noise, distortion, power supply rejection, protection, reliability, and layout. He describes advanced forms of compensation that give dramatically......
Whether you are a dedicated audiophile who wants to gain a more complete understanding of the design issues behind a truly great amp, or a professional electronic designer seeking to learn more about the art of amplifier design, Douglas Self’s Handbook is the essential guide to design principles...
Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook, Fifth Edition 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者: 作者:Self, Douglas 出品人: 页数:608 译者: 出版时间:2009-7 价格:599.00元 装帧: isbn... 最大160W的D类功放,非车载 市场应用 原理 其他 环绕声通道:2.1、5.1、7.1、9.1 对于环绕声道,第一个数字定义了主扬声器的数量,第二个数字定义了低音炮的数量,第三个数字定义...
Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook (3rd edition) [2002 Douglas Self] 星级: 445 页 Douglas Self-Audio Power Amplifier Handbook, 3rd edition (2002) 星级: 445 页 Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook 3E - Self, Douglas 星级: 445 页 Douglas Self-Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook-Newnes...
This book is a unique collection of detailed information on audio power amplifier design. The Sixth Edition is a major update with many chapters completely re-written, and a wealth of new material, adding more than 50% to the length of the book. Almost every chapter contains brand-new ...
Douglas Self - Audio Power Amplifier Design - 6th edition - 2013.pdf 评分: 音频功率放大器设计手册 英文原版 第6版 2013年 718页 高清PDF 音频功率放大器 2019-06-14 上传 大小:13.00MB 所需: 9积分/C币 立即下载 DataStructuresAndAlgorithmAnalysisInC4thEdition.pdf. DataStructuresAndAlgorithmAnalysis...
amplifier design and establishing empirical design techniques based on electronic design principles and experimental data. His rigorous and thoroughly practical approach has established him as a leading authority on amplifier design, especially through the pages of Electronics World where he is a regular ...
4558 ic Audio Power Amplifier Circuit Diagram This is circuit diagram of powerful audio amplifier. This circuit is given by Emmanuel. In this circuit one ic 4558 and 4 Power transistors are used with some discrete components. Use 20v-to