In the JavaScript portion, the audio object is returned using document.getElementById. The play and pause methods are used to provide playback control. The button object is retrieved so that the button label can be toggled between Play and Pause, depending on the state of the audio ...
The Audio-Object throws an error (code 4). Why is this? How can I get it to work under iOS? There is no autostart involved. Please see my code below: Code $(document).ready(function() { clearLog(); log('Document ready!'); $('.clickable').click(function() { var value = $(...
Accessing a .Net object from Javascript Accessing a JavaScript variable from another <script> block. Accessing dynamically created checkboxes in javascript Accessing repeater elements from javascript. activate bootstrap nav-tabs on ng-click ActiveX not working in IE7,8/Mozilla/Chrome ActiveX object and...
Object-based audio engine and codec pack with Dolby Atmos rendering, room correction, HRTF, one-click Unity audio takeover, and much more. audiounitysoundcinemaaudio-enginespatial-audiosurround-soundroom-correctiondolby-atmosaudio-calibration
I found out that this does not work if I use the normal "Audio" class because they don't play simultaneously. (Not reliable) Therefore I want to use the Web Audio API. But here I run into a problem: How do I convert my "Audio()"-object (or any ".wav" file) into a AudioBuffe...
A controllable sound object that wraps the actual plugin implementation, providing a consistent API for audio playback, no matter what happens in the background. Sound instances can be paused, muted, and stopped; and the volume, pan (where available), and position changed using the simple API...
<object height="50" width="100" data="horse.mp3"></object> 尝试一下 » 问题: 不同的浏览器对音频格式的支持也不同。 如果浏览器不支持该文件格式,没有插件的话就无法播放该音频。 如果用户的计算机未安装插件,无法播放音频。 如果把该文件转换为其他格式,仍然无法在所有浏览器中播放。
JS面向对象二:this/原型链/new原理 阮一峰JavaScript教程:面向对象编程 阮一峰JavaScript教程:实例对象与 new 命令 阮一峰JavaScript教程:this 关键字 也可以看看这篇文章周大侠啊...但是由于回调函数的调用者往往不是我们自己,而是回调函数的接收者,即某个库或框架、甚至是JS运行时环境。...文中: **No. 1:Object.... (分布式数据对象) (分布式键值数据库) (用户首选项) (关系型数据库) 文件管理 @ohos.file.fileuri (文件URI) @ohos.file.fs (文件管理) @ohos.file.hash (文件哈希处理) ...
TheAssetobject overrides thetoString()method of theObjectobject. ForAssetobjects, the toString() method returns a string representation of the object. JavaScript calls the toString() method automatically when an asset is to be represented as a text value or when a texture is referred to in a ...