race_cmd_audio_loopback_test_change_time_cmd(...); 可以知道该函数用来对audio loopback test进行参数配置,其payload域的定义体现在如下结构体中: typedefstruct{RACE_COMMON_HDR_STRUrace_header;uint16_ttest_interval;//unit: 100msuint16_tchecking_interval;//unit: 1msuint16_tis_print_checking_log;}...
三、以DSP中audio loopback test为实现对指令进行测试 首先确定ID的值是多少: 通过查看race_handlers[]中RACE_ID_AUDIO_LOOPBACK_TEST_BEGIN和RACE_ID_AUDIO_LOOPBACK_TEST_END的值可以发现,该loopback test的ID值的范围为0x1000 ~ 0x100F,因此我们在发送指令的时候需要把ID值设置为该范围内。 其次确定参数域...
cold reset后,选择STERO_CODEC_LB测试: 这里的参数在Bluetest3 user guide上有详细说明,我们这里直接采用默认即可。 实际测试结果: 其中黄色波形为MIC_AP上测试的到的,蓝色波形为SPK_LN上测试得到的。可见,audio的loopback测试成功。 审核编辑 :李倩
The Audio LoopBack Test uses an audio loopback cable to sample the output waveform at the microphone input. The sampled waveform is then saved for post-analysis. The sampled waveform must not have long latency. Test Prerequisites Your device must meet the following requirements before you run th...
The Audio LoopBack Test uses an audio loopback cable to sample the output waveform at the microphone input. The sampled waveform is then saved for post-analysis. The sampled waveform must not have long latency. Test Prerequisites Your device must meet the following requirements before you run th...
The Audio LoopBack Test uses an audio loopback cable to sample the output waveform at the microphone input. The sampled waveform is then saved for post-analysis. The sampled waveform must not have long latency. Test Prerequisites Your device must meet the following requirements before you run th...
loopbacktest.exe -i \sinewave_8000.wav -o\mic_8000.wav The test will play this sample file on a loop for approximately one hour. It will automatically stop if the playback and capture audio devices drift by one or more buffer lengths. ...
Test your PC Audio Port These audio loopback plugs are designed and manufactured for audio loopback testing by connecting to your Windows PC via the audio port. Utilizing the Sound Test inBurnInTest, the loopback plug can be used to measure the distortion between audio input and audio output....
得益于Audio Precision分析仪硬件的高性能与高精度,基于分析仪自身的输出与输入物理接口,如模拟输出到模拟输入,数字输出到数字输入。在LOOPBACK模式,其延时在出厂时经过校准为0.000S。这意味着当测量一款产品的延时时,Audio Precision分析仪自身带来的延时可以忽略不计。APx516B Analog Unbalance Input 1 to ...
ci: Add audio loopback test Feb 19, 2025 components audio_pipeline : Fixed a bug that caused an element to be linked to a… Feb 27, 2025 docs docs: Update V3.1 Schematic for S3-Korvo-2 Mar 12, 2025 esp-idf @ c8fc5f6 audio_board: Support esp32-p4-function-ev-board ...