In Psalm 77:13, it is written, “Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God?” I stand in awe of Your majestic presence and Your unmatched power. Lord, I recognize that I have fallen short of Your perfect standards. I have made mistakes and strayed from Your path....
(The Bible Does Not Teach Geocentrism) Study #0529 [Jan 19, 2025] 1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 3:17-19 2nd Half--The Heresies of the Flat Earth Cult [p5] (The Planet is Not a Literal Footstool) Study #0528 [Jan 12, 2025] 1st Half--Scripture reading from Galatians 3...
Psalm 91:15 Because He holds fast to me in love, I will protect him because he knows my name. When he calls to me I will answer him. I will be with Him in trouble, I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation. God is holding...
Psalm 119:91 视频音频 26:43 设置 品质 快捷键 品质 键盘快捷键 播放/暂停 SpaceorK 静音 M 调高音量 调低音量 向后跳过15秒 orJ 跳过15秒 orL 增速 Shift+. 降低速度 Shift+, 关闭 Esc 查看快捷键 Shift+/ 静音 M 调高音量 调低音量 增速
91 Sermons Sort by Newest Add Filter The Origin of the Races 43:15 Phil Gerard • 3/17/24 Midway Bible Church - 神造萬物書 9:25-27; 使徒行傳 17:26 Quietly With All Submissiveness: Godly Women Learning in the Church 44:04 Mitch Chase • 2/4/24 100+ Kosmosdale Baptist Church...
Psalm 46 32:01 B.F. Stickle • 8/4/24 Taylor's Chapel Baptist Church - 大五得詩 46 Psalm 14 24:56 Tom Sutphin • 8/4/24 Lander Independent Baptist - 大五得詩 14 Look Ahead To The Age of The Gospel 28:58 Benjamin Fordham • 8/4/24 Lighthouse F. Inc. - Studies in ...
January 22, 2012Morning: Bible Characters, Part 86. Revealing Our Idols. Mark 4:35-41; Psalm 107.January 16, 2012Martin Luther King Prayer Breakfast at Convention Hall, Alexandria, Louisiana. Monuments of the Righteous. Matthew 23:29-31; 5:43-45.January 15, 2012...
023 Avenging Angels (Psalm 104:1-4) 2 of 2 25:59 Gregory A. Miller • 3/30/22 100+ Bible Believers Fellowship - Angels & The Spirit World You Heard It Was Said 5 37:31 Chuck Muether • 3/13/22 200+ Immanuel Reformed Fellowship - The Fulfillment of Promise 242 "A Good...
So, this Bible app helps me to search for that certain word that I am looking with. 👍👍🙏👌 more vielleselav , 20/08/2023 I love psalm 91:1:16 Thank you so much God for everything what you done in my life: and please guide me in the right Paths. Specially to ...
My Dwelling Place and Fortress Psalm 91 22:11 Wayne Conrad • 9/26/22 Good Shepherd Community Church - Bible Insights Jesus' Voice in the Psalms - Intro 50:28 Jason Delgado • 8/7/22 200+ Christ Covenant Reformed - Jesus' Voice in the Psalter A Cry from God's Oubliette 47...