Unladen weight without driver / with driver / gross weight limit in kg (lb) 2160 / 2235 / 2750 (4762.0 / 4927.3 / 6062.7) Data sheet Technical specifications and data: Q4 Sportback 55 e-tron quattro (250 kW) Download Price sheet and dimensions Dimensions Dimensions for all available en...
Audi Q4 e-tron发布长宽高:4590/1865/1613mm,轴距2760mm。前后双电机,综合功率300hp/460NM。82kWh三元锂电池,30分钟充到80% 。WLTP标准续航450公里。4.5万美元起。你觉得这个车可以对抗特斯拉吗? #爱擎海[...
For 2023, the Q4 adds a rear-motor, rear-drive entry-level model (for the SUV only, not the Sportback), and its 201 horses also mirror the VW. Q4 e-tron Design and Interior The Audi's exterior design, though, looks nothing like the ID.4's, and the same is true of the interior...
By:Automann-TVNEW! Audi Q4 e-tron (299hp) | 0-180 km/h acceleration? | by Automann in 4K, 视频播放量 883、弹幕量 0、点赞数 11、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 7、转发人数 2, 视频作者 J字线, 作者简介 车不是一个炫富和代步工具,它是附有灵魂,附有文化的,应该以人类朋
The Audi Q4 e-tron is being comprehensively upgraded: with a retuned chassis, increased efficiency, characteristic sound, and more standard equipment. In addition to an optimized drive concept and higher charging power, Audi is expanding the range of fun
Audi Q4 e-tron/Q4 e-tron Sportback预定4/14登场 积极做能源转型、扩张e-tron电动家族的奥迪品牌,先前就曾预告会在四月份发表全新SUV Q4 e-tron,不过在确认了4月14日是正式登场日期的同时,奥迪还给了大家另外一个惊喜,那就是原本外界预期会更晚才现身的掀背版Q4 e-tron Sportback,也会同场正式亮相!
Learn all about the 2024 Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron®, featuring fast and convenient charging options, SUV capacity, and a balanced performance.
Explore the full lineup of Audi Sport, SUVs, sedans, e-tron models & more. Build your own, search inventory and explore current special offers.
2022年7月21日,来自MEB平台的首款豪华纯电SUV车型奥迪Q4 e-tron正式上市,提供四驱和后驱2个驱动版本车型,价格区间为29.99万元-37.71万元。凭借MEB纯电平台优势,精准安全续航管理及豪华品质的越级产品实力,为更多用户带来纯电出行新体验,持续满足纯电用户安心出行...
Q4 Sportback e-tron基本规格如下:电池容量:82kW 续航里程:450km 底盘:MEB 驱动方式:4WD 系统功率输出:225kW 马达:后:150kW、310Nm /前:75kW、150Nm 急速充电:30分钟充满80%(125kW充电)动力系统上与Q4 e-tron概念车相同没有改变,车身尺码则是车长多出1cm、车高也低了1cm。所使用的MEB底盘是VW...