Q3有三款动力可选择,1.4T/2.0T(低功率)/2.0T(高功率)三款版本,本次测试的车辆时2.0T高功率四驱车型,七挡双离合变速器S tronic®,前麦弗逊独立悬架带三角形下控制臂,后四连杆独立悬架,弹簧和减震器分开布置,就不说最大输出功率啥的了,也没什么大用,你们关心的是实际试驾中的表现。 这台车换挡平顺性还是可...
Q3 40 TFSIquattroS tronic (140 kW) Engine typeInline 4-cylinder engine Displacement in cc / bore x stroke in mm / compression1984 / 82.5 x 92.8 / 12.2 Max. power output in kW (PS) / at rpm140 (190) / 4200 - 6000 Max. torque in Nm (lb-ft) / at rpm320 (236.0) / 1500 - ...
Technical specifications and data: Q3 Sportback 40 TFSI quattro S tronic (140 kW) Download Q3 Sportback 45 TFSI quattro S tronic (180 kW) Engine type Inline 4-cylinder engine Displacement in cc / bore x stroke in mm / compression 1984 / 82.5 x 92.8 / 9.6 Max. power output in kW ...
Audi Q3 40 TFSI quattro (140 kW) Audi Q3 45 TFSI quattro (169 kW) Audi Q3 35 TDI (110 kW) Engine type 4-cylinder inline petrol engine with direct fuel injection and turbocharging 4-cylinder inline petrol engine with direct fuel injection and turbocharging 4-cylinder inline petrol engine wit...
that – the 45 TFSI is capable of hitting 62mph from a standstill in 5.8sec. Both are available exclusively with quattro four-wheel drive and the S tronic gearbox, making them expensive choices. There's also an even quicker sports SUV version – see ourAudi RS Q3 reviewto read about ...
Audi_Q3_2_0_TFSI_quattro_STronic 是在优酷播出的汽车高清视频,于2012-06-01 08:23:33上线。视频内容简介:Prueba__Audi_Q3_2_0_TFSI_quattro_STronic
与RS Q3同样使用Audi著名的2.5升TFSI直列5缸涡轮增压引擎为动力来源,具备有400匹马力、48.9公斤米扭力最大输出,搭配7速S tronic双离合器变速箱以及quattro全时四轮驱动系统,具备0-100km/h加速4.5秒、极速250km/h性能表现。 Audi Taiwan并为其搭配跑车式转向系统、RS运动化悬吊,为其建立出色操控表现。再运用包含大...
【4K 鉴赏】2025 款奥迪 Q3 Sportback - 内饰和外观细节 11:31 【4K 鉴赏】2025 款全新奥迪 RSQ3 COUPE 2.5 TFSI QUATTRO | (8K) 视觉评测 08:04 【4K 鉴赏】2025 款黑色奥迪 A8 S-Line 50 TDI Quattro - 全尺寸豪华轿车详情 08:49 NEW Audi RS3 Sportback (2025) - Interior and Exterior Walk...
低音扬声器浮动效果LED照明 驾驶辅助系统 电子机械驻车制 动系统,高功率、高扭矩TFSI 发动机 S tronic双离合变速器 quattro全时四驱系统 驾驶模式选择,Audi Q3整车特征图,造型设计和驾驶体验式奥迪Q3首要特征元素 次级特征元素是典型的SUV必须具备的越野性能和日常适用性 质量和可靠性继承了奥迪家族的衣钵,奥迪Q3最突出...
Audi/奥儿童电动汽车四轮宝宝遥控 这辆奥迪越野车真超级好看,不管是从做工还是从外观,看的我都想坐上去开,这要是在小区里溜一圈那回头率杠杠的 奥迪A6L