In 1932, Audi merged with Wanderer, Horch, and DKW to from the Auto Union AG and this led to the creation of Audi’s four rings logo (picture above). The same year, Audi introduced the world’s first volume-built car with front-wheel-drive. By the end of the 30s, Audi began parti...
Horch means “listen” in German, which translates into audi in Latin. Their slogan is Vorsprung durch Technik, which means, “Advancement through Technology.” Audi USA used the slogan “Truth in Engineering” for many years. The Audi line of vehicles is one of the most popular luxury ...
The Audi is a subsidiary of Volkswagen AG, the company was founded in 1909 by talented German engineer and designer August Horch. His surname, in German, means “to listen”, which in Latin translates to “Audi”. In the first part of the last century Audi became a symbol of high qualit...
left the company he had begun. Shortly after, on July 16, 1909, he established a second company, Horch Automobil-Werke GmbH, in the same city. Horch lost the ensuing legal dispute over the company name. His solution was to use the Latin translation ...
and due to the trademark on his name Horch with his previous company, he could not give his name to this automobile brand. Hence, Horch used the concept of synonyms and given his second company the name Audi. In German, Horch means to listen and Audi holds the same meaning in Latin. ...
The A0 in the name of the A0 QS concept car means It shows that it is not imitating the concept of other Audi models. The car starts with the number 0". Q stands for its quattro four. Drive system, S stands for its suspension system. ...
In the last decades, countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have experienced a dramatic increase in the levels of higher education enrollment. Using administrative data from Chile and Colombia, we find that this phenomenon is not always associated with higher private individual returns. In ...
August Horch resigned in 1909. He lost no time in establishing another automobile manufacturing company in Zwickau. Since he was unable to use his own name, which was registered by his former company, he adopted instead its Latin translation: “Horch” means “Listen!” and, in Latin, “Aud...
AUDI is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 216 times. Referring Clues: Last Seen In: New York Times - November 08, 2024 LA Times - October 22, 2024 USA Today - October 17, 2024 USA Today - September 04, 2024 USA Today - August 28, 2024 ...
"Cor Tauri" is Latin and means bull's heart. At the same time, it is the name of the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus the bull, which shows Lamborghini the way to an electrified future, but one that remains true to the heart and soul of the brand. "Lamborghi...