Audi has released prices for the new A6, with the hatchback kicking things off at £69,900. The full name is the Audi A6 e-tron - e-tron because it's electric and 6, because if you were paying attention, you'd know that allevenAudi numbers areelectricAudi models. Welcome ...
Audi continues its electric-vehicle assault with the A6 e-tron sedan, which is aimed directly at the Tesla Model S.
Possibly Audi’s most important electric car to date is this, the Q6 E-Tron, which is the marque’s debutant model to use the all-important, all-new PPE EV architecture, promising more performance, more efficiency and less weight than what’s gone before. Draped over that platform is the...
这也是A6 e-tron特别让人期待的原因,因Audi Q6 e-tron和Porsche Macan纯电版本,都看到这平台的强大性能,转移到更轻更流线的房车,表现肯定更上层楼。奥迪设计团队说是以“毫米”为等级查看设计,才能完成最佳空气力学表现。Avant版本(旅行车)风阻系数达到0.24相当不错,但Sportback车型,A6 e-tron风阻系数更降...
Audi今天发布A6 e-tron纯电大型房车,有Sportback和Avant两种车型,将纯电产品线再度扩大到房车市场。 身为大众集团豪华车主力之一,奥迪(Audi)进军电动汽车时就将主力放在休旅车,从最早e-tron到现在分为Q4、Q6、Q8三款车型,全都是休旅车,唯一例外是纯电轿跑e-tron GT,现在终于回归荣光主战场,推出A6 e-tron,挑战...
身为大众集团豪华车主力之一,奥迪(Audi)进军电动汽车时就将主力放在休旅车,从最早e-tron到现在分为Q4、Q6、Q8三款车型,全都是休旅车,唯一例外是纯电轿跑e-tron GT,现在终于回归荣光主战场,推出A6 e-tron,挑战大型纯电豪华房车市场。 A6 e-tron是奥迪第二款使用PPE纯电平台的车型,这是保时捷与奥迪合作的高端...
奥迪e-tron 奥迪Q2L e-tron 奥迪e-tron GT 奥迪Q4 e-tron 奥迪A4(进口) 奥迪RS 5 奥迪Q5L Sportback购奥迪A7现58.98万起售 欢迎到店垂询 剩余1天 【江西德奥奥迪VIP尊享热线:0791-83720688】本店现车充足,先到先得,先定先提,多重豪礼等你来!网约VIP客户到店还可...优惠...
AUDI 在上海公开A6 e-tron concept,设计语言再进化 AUDI 在今年上海车展上,发表了一款名为「A6 e-tron concept」的概念车,光看车名相信大家就已经猜到,它是部预览未来新一代A6 样貌的电动概念车,不仅在车身尺码上几乎与现行A6 相同,在设计上也明显从现在AUDI 最新设计语言有系统地进化。外观上这部概念车...
奥迪Q2L e-tron 奥迪A6 奥迪Q5L 奥迪Q2L 奥迪A6L 奥迪A3 奥迪A4L 奥迪S7 奥迪S6 奥迪S4 奥迪SQ5 Sportback奥迪Q3优惠高达12.26万元 剩余1天 一汽奥迪深圳奥泽奥迪Q3优惠高达12.26万元,感兴趣的朋友可以到店咨询购买,具体优惠信息如下:优惠促销 2024-12-22 置换奥迪e-tron享受补贴还优惠22.71万 剩余1天 一汽...
High floor and low floor are the two descriptors Audi uses to relate the primary difference between the Q6 e-tron SUV and the A6 e-tron Sportback. Both are on the same electric platform; the choice is whether you want to sit high or sit low in your electric vehicle. The new A6 e-...