8、orm(db):波形(db)Spectrogram:声谱图Spectrogram log(f):声谱图(指数式)Pitch(EAC):音高(EAC)Mono:单声道Left Channel:左声道Right Channel:右声道Make Stereo Track:制作立体声音轨Split Stereo Track:分割立体声音轨Split Stereo to Mono:分割立体声到单声Set Sample Format:设定采样格式Set Rate:设定采样率备...
Make Stereo Track:制作立体声音轨 Split Stereo Track:分割立体声音轨 Split Stereo to Mono:分割立体声到单声 Set Sample Format:设定采样格式 Set Rate:设定采样率 备注: 1、声谱图广泛应用于音频信号的分析和处理中。它是二维图,尽管其上每个点对应一个三维值。其横轴是时间,纵轴是频率。与坐标(x,y)对应的...
MakeStereoTrack:制作立体声音轨 SplitStereoTrack:切割立体声音轨 SplitStereotoMono:切割立体声到单声 SetSampleFormat:设定采样格式 SetRate:设定采样率 备注: 1、声谱图宽泛应用于音频信号的剖析和办理中。它是二维图,只管其上每个点对应一个三 维值。其横轴是时间,纵轴是频次。与坐标〔x,y〕对应的点表示在时刻...
Use the Normalize effect to set the peak amplitude of a single track, make multiple tracks have the same peak amplitude and equalize the balance of left and right channels of stereo tracks. Optionally you can remove any DC offset from the tracks.所谓标准化,可以理解为统一化,包括三个方面的...
(指数式) Pitch (EAC):音高( EAC) Mono :单声道 Left Channel :左声道 Right Channel:右声道 Make Stereo Track:制作立体声音轨 Split Stereo Track:分割立体声音轨 Split Stereo to Mono :分割立体声到单声 Set Sample Format:设定采样格式 Set Rate:设定采样率 备注: 1、声谱图 广泛应用于音频信号的分析和...
The Split Stereo Track Method Another way is to split the stereo tracks into two mono tracks and invert one channel. This will create a dual mono track, each of which can be edited separately. While you can use a few different techniques, this is undoubtedly a valid option. Again, there...
and "Split Stereo Track"/"Make Stereo Track". * Effects - Nyquist support on Windows (supports plug-ins written in Nyquist, an interpreted functional language based on Lisp). New features in Audacity 1.1.1: * User Interface - Tooltips appear in Status Bar. - Vertical cursor follows play/...
and "Split Stereo Track"/"Make Stereo Track". * Effects - Nyquist support on Windows (supports plug-ins written in Nyquist, an interpreted functional language based on Lisp). New features in Audacity 1.1.1: * User Interface - Tooltips appear in Status Bar. - Vertical cursor follows play/...
and "Split Stereo Track"/"Make Stereo Track". * Effects - Nyquist support on Windows (supports plug-ins written in Nyquist, an interpreted functional language based on Lisp). New features in Audacity 1.1.1: * User Interface - Tooltips appear in Status Bar. - Vertical cursor ...
(1)启动 Audacity,点菜单”文件—打开“命令,打开一个音频文件; (2)在左侧音频信息面板上边,点击音乐名称旁边的下拉按钮,选择“Split Stereo Track:分割立体声音轨”; (3)这时音乐会分割成上下两部分,有黄边框的是当前选中的声道,左侧标签上显示了是左声道,还是右声道; (4)先点上边播放栏的跳至开头按钮 ,点击...