With Wise's Currency Charts, you can easily explore historical market data and analyse trends for any currency pair over time. Our interactive charts use real-time mid-market exchange rates and allow you to view data over a range of periods, including up to the last 5 years. To access a...
To calculate the burden of AUD in Liaoning province using DALY ( Disability - Adjusted Life Years ). 以DALY ( DALY, Disability-AdjustedLifeYears ) 为指标计算辽宁省居民酒精使用障碍的疾病负担. 来自互联网 12. Earned AUD $ 5043 from my first part time job within 4 months last semester. 在上...
Silver price in AUD (Australian Dollar). Historical chart and real-time quote (live price per gram, ounce, kilo) on the LBMA, yearly performance in Australian Dollar.
currentTime; const ps = ((time * 100) / length).toFixed(3); player.querySelector(".lengthText").innerHTML = (fmtTime(Math.floor(time))); if (ps <= 100) player.querySelector(".lengthTrack .usedPart").style.width = `${ ps}%`; }) } catch(e) { console.log("Что-то...
"integrity": "sha512-MVuS359B+YzaWqjCL/c+22gfryv+mCBPHAv3zyVI2GN8EY6IRP8VwtasXn8jyyhvvq84R4ImN1OKRtcbIasjYA==", "dev": true }, "component-emitter": { "version": "1.2.1", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/component-emitter/-/component-emitter-1.2.1.tgz", "integrity...
Time to NIV and mortality in AECOPD hospital admissions: an observational study into real world insights from National COPD AuditsTime to NIV and mortality in AECOPD hospital admissions: an observational study into real world insights from National COPD Auditscopd exacerbationsnon...
The Bhagavad Gita is a well-respected religious book that strives to provide individuals with a feeling of unity and the spiritual guidance that all other religions aim to create. Though the original Bhagavad Gita is in Sanskrit, it has been transcribed into various other languages to give others...
Chuyển đổi tiền tệ chỉ là một ứng dụng tin tức và thông tin tỷ giá chuyển đổi chứ không phải là một nền tảng giao dịch tiền tệ. Thông tin được hiển thị ở đó không cấu th...
DN 25 to 3000(1 to 120") Max. process pressure PN 40, Class 300, 20K Ambient temperature range -40 to 60°C (-40 to 140°F) Show more Lead time Know your supplier Wuhan Dinglixing Automation Engineering Co., Ltd. 5 yrsLocated in CN ...
40 hours of continuous talk time What connectors are on this product? This product comes with a USB-C to USB-C cable for charging the headphone and a 3.5-mm cable for an optional wired connection. What are the recommended operating and storage temperatures of the device? The operating and...