It has leaves completely covered in irregular spots of yellow-gold, and it grows into a bush at least 6 feet tall and wide, becoming larger in time. This is a female plant, and if pollinated it will produce red berries. ‘Crotonifolia’ –This variety is very similar to ‘Variegata’...
('Crotonifolia', 'Gold Dust', 'Hillieri', 'Picturata', 'Salicifolia', 'Serratifolia', 'Sulphur', 'Sulphurea Marginata', 'Variegata'), or always male ('Mister Goldstrike', 'Crassifolia', 'Golden King', 'Lance Leaf') and some may be either sex. The only way to tell a male aucuba...
Generally, stem cuttings and seeds are the two most popular ways of propagatingAucubaplants. Seeds sown in a cold frame in the autumn usually have the best survival rate. Some growers prefer to root semi-ripe, or immature, stem cuttings in the summer. Nurseries sell the plants in containers...