850, far outpacing the other coins in the catalogue. It was sold from the Bernard Richards collection and is the finest grade coin of its type known to exist, according to the industry standard Professional Coin Grading Service. However, it fell short of the auction's prediction that it...
If they both bid the same amount, a coin toss determines the winner. Equation (1) shows the utilities or payoff (\(\upmu )\) assumption of the bidders: $$\mu_{i} \left( {b_{i} , b_{i`} ,v_{i} } \right) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{ll} {v_{i} - b_{i} \quad ...
The excess capacity can only be sold to the bulk grid at a low price when the actual power generation of the DG is higher than the predicted volume. Thus, the revenue of the DG is lower than the expected value. Obviously, the prediction error Energies 2017, 10, 1971 17 of 22 will ...