University of Auckland Rankings #132in Best Global Universities #10in Best Global Universities in Australia/New Zealand #1in Best Global Universities in New Zealand University of Auckland Subject Rankings #72in Agricultural Sciences #50in Arts and Humanities (tie) #241in Biology and Biochemistry #243...
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The University of Auckland is a recipient of a five star plusQS Stars University Ratingfor excellence in the categories: Research, Employability, Teaching, Facilities, Internationalisation, Innovation and Inclusiveness. Our home The University is located in the harbour city ofAuckland, New Zealand’s ...
Auckland University of Technology Rankings #519in Best Global Universities (tie) #31in Best Global Universities in Australia/New Zealand #4in Best Global Universities in New Zealand Auckland University of Technology Subject Rankings #417in Clinical Medicine (tie) #647in Computer Science (tie) #241...
The University of Auckland is New Zealand’s leading tertiary institution and largest university. It spans six campuses, has the largest university library complex in New Zealand and is the only New Zealand university that has both Engineering and Medical and Health Science faculties. This has enabl...
学习期间,可实际操作使用aut罗氏诊断联合实验室(aut roche diagnostics laboratory)中的各类检测仪器实验设备。学院在第四年会为学生安排实习课程。完成学业并满足相关要求,可向新西兰医学公会(medical science council of new zealand)申请注册。医学检验学为定向培养课程,学位有限。
Auckland University of Technology (AUT)is one of the world’s best modern universities and one of the largest universities in New Zealand; located in Auckland, New Zealand’s biggest city. AUT’s qualifications are widely regarded and our manystudy optionsoffer exceptional learning experiences that...
About University of Auckland The University of Auckland (UoA) is New Zealand’s largest university. Founded in 1883, UoA has over 40,000 students enrolled on seven campuses in Auckland, with nearly 10,000 students graduating annually. It is recognized as New Zealand’s top-ranked university and...
The University of Auckland was formally opened on 23 May 1883 as Auckland University College, part of the University of New Zealand. A disused courthouse and jail served as premises for the 95 students and four teaching staff. Today, the University of Auckland is the largest university in New...
奥克兰大学(The University of Auckland),简称奥大,世界百强名校之一。2018世界排名第82位。建校于1883年,坐落于新西兰第一大城市奥克兰市,拥有7个校区,是新西兰最大的一所从事教学研究且拥有最多专业的综合性大学,综合排名新西兰第一,被誉为新西兰的“国宝级”大学,是一所世界顶尖的研究型大学,享有极高的国际声誉。