IDirect3DDevice9::CreateOffscreenPlainSurface method IDirect3DDevice9::CreatePixelShader method IDirect3DDevice9::CreateQuery method IDirect3DDevice9::CreateRenderTarget method IDirect3DDevice9::CreateStateBlock method IDirect3DDevice9::CreateTexture method IDirect3DDevice9::CreateVertexBuffer me...
The IDirect3DVolume9::FreePrivateData method (d3d9.h) frees the specified private data associated with this volume.
Horry 2022年6月6日 关注 渣渣上胸搞起来 渣渣上胸搞起来 能量猿私人健身工作室(新村路店) ¥369/人 普陀区 中山北路/甘泉地区 私教工作室 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 成为第一个点赞的人 说点什么吧... 打开“大众点评”查看内容 大众点评 发现好去处 打开 分享到 新浪微博 QQ空间 ...
居然拿屁股对着我 给小胖收拾了十几平出来供他生活,吖的居然拿屁股对着我😑😠#家有萌宠 成为第一个点赞的人说点什么吧... 哈吉米 10月28日 19:36 😅 乔安娜Joanna 是她老妈收拾的 去App查看全部2条精彩评论 2打开“大众点评”查看内容 大众点评 发现好去处 打开 ...
Type:IDirect3DStateBlock9** Pointer to a state block interface. SeeIDirect3DStateBlock9. Return value Type:HRESULT If the method succeeds, the return value is D3D_OK. If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL, D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY, E...
The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawRectPatch method (d3d9.h) draws a rectangular patch using the currently set streams.
#这家火锅花样可真多 🌶️辣爽天下火锅,让你的味蕾感受麻辣诱惑,尽享火锅美食盛宴!🔥 🍲火锅源于四川,以麻辣汤底为特色,火候充足,食材丰富,麻辣鲜香,让人欲罢不能。😋 🥩牛肉、🦐鲜虾、🥦蔬菜,在麻辣汤底中翻滚,吸收了浓郁的辣味,每一口都让人热血沸腾!🌶️ 🍻与亲朋好友围炉而坐,搭配冰...
This is a modal window. The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. 茶茶多可爱 4月5日 9:04 关注
The Direct3DCreate9Ex function (d3d9.h) creates an IDirect3D9 object and return an interface to it.