AU Small Finance成立于1996年,并于2000年注册成为非银行金融公司。2015年9月,他们获得了印度央行——印度储备银行批准的允许构建小型金融银行的十家非银行金融公司之一。现阶段,该公司已经在印度拥有三十多家分支机构,主要覆盖拉贾斯坦邦、古吉拉特邦、马哈拉施特拉邦和中央邦等地。为拉贾斯坦邦的客户提供金融产品。它提...
据外媒消息,非银行金融公司AU Small Finance宣布完成了一笔1.47亿美元的股权融资,投资方为Camas Investments Pte Ltd,该风投是新加坡国家主权基金淡马锡的全职子公司。去年该公司成功登陆股票市场,首次公开募股(IPO)就获得了29倍的认购成绩,上市价格超出了发行价的51%。当时,包括华平投资(Warburg Pincus)、世界...
Latest AU Small Finance Bank Ltd (AUBANK:NSI) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis, forecasts, business profile and more.
1. Be kind, respectful and helpful to each other. 2. Be bona fide, truthful, genuine and curious. 3. Assume the best intention of others. Therefore, in using the site, youmust agree to do your best to uphold these community guidelines. ...
据外媒dealstreeasia消息,总部位于印度斋普尔的非银行金融公司AU Small Finance宣布完成了一笔100亿卢比(约合1.47亿美元)的股权融资,投资方为CamasInvestments Pte Ltd,该风投是新加坡国家主权基金淡马锡的全职子公司。 去年,该公司成功登陆印度股票市场,首次公开募股(IPO)就获得了29倍的认购成绩,上市价格超出了发行价的...
AU Small Finance Bank Limited is an India-based non-deposit accepting non-banking financial company (NBFC-ND). The Company is engaged in providing a range of banking and financial services, including retail banking, wholesale banking and treasury operations and other services. Its segments include ...
Last time I used my HDFC Bank Regalia CC at AU Small Finance Bank SwipeUp, I was getting Zenith LTF but I tried today again and using the same Regalia CC as C2C, I'm getting Xcite Ultra CC. I can clearly see it's a downgrade. Is Xcite Ultra even worth it? Or should I go for...
周五,Investec维持对AU Small Finance Bank Ltd (AUBANK:IN)股票的积极立场,将目标价从800.00印度卢比上调至850.00印度卢比,同时... 分析师下调友邦小型金融银行目标价,理由是信贷成本和不良贷款率上升提供者 2024年10月24日 周四,瑞银分析师将友邦小型金融银行有限公司(AUBANK:IN)的目标价从770.00印...
AU Small Finance Bank is India’s largest small finance bank, with 2.7 million customers and more than 900 banking touchpoints. Its mission is to become a tech-centric, world-class digital bank that contributes to financial inclusion across India.
以下为AU Small Finance Bank Ltd研发费用复合年均增长率(5年)数据要点表现汇总 AU Small Finance Bank的研发费用复合年均增长率(5年)无意义。在计算变动时,我们检测到最新值是负值,导致计算已无意义。 相比竞争对手,AU Small Finance Bank的研发费用复合年均增长率(5年)基准如何? 我们发现下列公司与AU Small Finan...