As a future Host Family under the Au Pair program, you might learn more about other families' experiences. Read real and authentic family testimonials.
Become an Au Pair in... Germany Au Pair in Germany Become a Host Family in Germany USA Au Pair in USA Become a Host Family in USA England/UK Au Pair in UK/England Become a Host Family in England Norway Au Pair in Norway Become a Host Family in Norway ...
Register for free and decide for yourself which au pair or host family is best for you - on the world's most popular au pairing platform.
Au Pair or your Host Family safe & easy! Founded in 1999, is the world's leading online Au Pair and Host Family matching service with over 80,000 active users. Global Opportunities provides access to thrilling childcare experiences abroad, allowing individuals to experienc...
Register for free and decide for yourself which au pair or host family is best for you - on the world's most popular au pairing platform.
au pair会take things personally。大家生活习惯不一样,突然住一起肯定很多不适应,但是我们host的小妹说她来美国很孤独一个人都不认识,host family还说这个洗碗机用的不对,那个烘干机的棉絮要清洁干净。这个只是对事情但是她觉得每天都被骂,我说我们当年留学更没有人帮我们把家具弄好,给我们生活上的建议,我非常理解...
1. Welcome Gifts for Your Au Pair An au pair will bring gifts for her host family, but those gifts are more intangible — the cultural exchange, the peace of mind and the convenience of live-in child care. When you first meet your au pair, you'll want to acknowledge all that she'll...
Host family in Denver, CO Having our au pair at home as part of our family has been a great experience. We implemented "Thai Friday" in our house. During Thai Friday we eat Thai food and we try to learn Thai. Both of our kids have learned the Thai alphabet. ...
"Au pair" , originally a French term, refers to a foreigner who lives with a family, so he/she can learn the family's language and culture, while at the same time he/she takes care of the family's children and/or cleans the house in return for food, accommodation(住宿)and a small...
Hostfamily,住在美国俄勒冈州,家庭有四个孩子,分别是10岁,8岁,5岁和3岁。孩子比较多,希望小哥哥可以hold住这些小宝贝。SPRING 2024 难点分析 Y同学在新西兰递签,签证政策和要求上与国内略有不同,在通过资料查阅和信息收集之后,我们对小哥哥此次递签的材料做了系统分析,制定了专门的材料清单。另外,在面签辅导上,...