*在項目期間您可享有當地AuPairCare輔導員的協助及支援 快加入AuPair的行列,一起探索美國! AuPairCare項目提供給具備資格年輕女性能夠擔任AuPairCare一員的機會,加入美國家庭並照顧家庭裡的孩童。從1989年起,AuPairCare已經安排了超過30,000位AuPair學員加入美國當地家庭,美國國務院不但核准推動此項目,而且也擔任此項目...
The meaning of AU PAIR is a usually young foreign person who cares for children and does domestic work for a family in return for room and board and the opportunity to learn the family's language.
The AuPairCare Program Our standard overseas au pair program is a year-long experience welcoming a reliable and loving au pair into your home as part of a cultural exchange program. After your first year together, you and your au pair can agree to extend the program for an additional 6, ...
Experience AuPairCare, the award winning U.S. au pair agency matching families with international au pairs who provide flexible, cultural childcare.
Get essential hiring advice with the top 10 caregiver interview questions and pro tips on how to find the best live-out or in-home caregiver for your family members with GreatAuPair, the original independent caregiver matching platform for in-home care.
1 Aupair care 2 Aupair care 3 Aupair care 一獒战3狼,美国Aupair care协会可以说是现存美国14家协会中最强的代表了! part·2 来看一看APC协会和互惠生联盟的梦幻联动吧 爱过才知情重,醉过才知酒浓 “你不能做我的诗,正如我不能做你的梦。” ...
AuPairCare -- 美国三大互惠生机构之一 是美国最权威、规模最大的互惠生机构之一!自1989年以来,AuPairCare已经将来自世界各地的40,000多名互惠生与全美范围内的寄宿家庭成功匹配。数以千计的高质量美国家庭选择…
au pair [ oh pair ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun a person, usually a young foreign visitor, employed to take care of children, do housework, etc., in exchange for room and board: We sent the children to the beach with the au pair. adjective of, relating to, or employed under such ...
Login for Au Pair, Nanny or Senior Cares looking for Jobs and families looking for Au Pairs & Nannies
Go Au Pair is one of thebest Au Pair agenciesin the United States, providing quality child care for over 30 years. Beginning as a nanny company in 1984, we soon expanded to include Au Pairs. We were one of the original Au Pair Program sponsors designated by the department of State in ...