// --- get and check side chain inputAUInputElement* SCInput =GetInput(1);if(!SCInput)returnAUEffectBase::Render(…); AudioBufferList* scBufferList = nullptr;if(SCInput->PullInput(ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp,1, inNumberFrames) == noErr) { int sidechainChannelCount = SCInput->NumberCh...
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Transparency of carbon offsets Lenovo CO2Offset Services offer complete transparency throughout the process. At any time, you can download confirmation of your carbon offset and view details of the climate action project that your offset supports by adding the serial number of your device on theLen...
取得指定 中指定 paramID 之scope 上的 參數,這個參數會對應至指定的 element。 GetParameter(UInt64) 取得位於指定位址的參數。 GetToken(AUParameterAutomationObserver) 為 參數新增參數自動化觀察者,並傳回開發人員可用來識別它的權杖。 (繼承來源 AUParameterNode) Init() 樹狀結構,包含音訊單元的所有音訊單...
Certain devices can eventually be used to control the element’s concentration so that certain conditions can be treated better. For instance, if you are being treated for a particular breathing problem, the concentration can be set to a high level. The part helps with this type of difficulty...
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The measured thermal emission and dynamics of Au nanoparticle−PDMS thin films exceeding expected values obtained by finite element analysis including Mie absorption, Fourier heat conduction, Rayleigh convection, and Stefan−Boltzmann radiation. Refractive-index experiments and temperature profiles indicated...
Gold (Gold) is the elemental form of the chemical element gold (Au), which is a soft, golden yellow, and corrosion-resistant precious metal. Gold is one of the rarer, more precious and highly valued metals. In the world, gold is generally ounce as a unit. In ancient China...
获取指定 中与指定 paramID对应的指定 处的参数element。scope GetParameter(UInt64) 获取指定地址处的参数。 GetToken(AUParameterAutomationObserver) 为 参数添加一个参数自动化观察程序,并返回一个令牌,开发人员可以使用该令牌来标识它。 (继承自 AUParameterNode) Init() 包含音频单元的所有音频单元参数的树。
CreateParameter(String, String, UInt64, Single, Single, AudioUnitParameterUnit, String, AudioUnitParameterOptions, String[], NSNumber[]) 지정된 값을 사용하여 새 매개 변수를 만듭니다. CreateTokenByAddingParameterObserver(AUParameterObserver) ...