•Sortwordswithvariant vowel/ô/(au,aw)WORDSORT ■Makeanindexcardforeachspelling Materialsword,aswellasforauandaw.Place •Teacher’sResourceBook,auandawcardstoformtwocolumns p.SP54inapocketchart.Blendsoundswith •pocketchartchildren. •largeindexcardsforspelling ...
Inserts an equation, chart, drawing, or some other object. ToolsCreateEnvelope 0x00AD Creates or prints an envelope. FormatFont 0x00AE Changes the appearance of the selected characters. FormatParagraph 0x00AF Changes the appearance and line numbering of the selected paragraphs. FormatSectionLayout...
22-12-20 14:02 发布于 中国香港 来自 SEVENTEEN超话 已编辑 SEVENTEEN超话 【Gaon Chart Music Award投票 】详情见图 长图 û收藏 198 751 ñ1787 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 超话粉丝大咖(SEVENTEEN超话) 查看更多 a 65关注 12.7...