The AU-1 was a variant of the F4U Corsair developed from the F4U-5, and was originally designated as the F4U-6 but was renamed to AU-1. It was designed as a dedicated ground attack aircraft, unlike all the previous Corsairs which were designed as fighters. To fit that role the engine...
Гайд II War Thunder II Какправильновыставитьпараметрыв War Thunder длябомбо TomoraiKira 41 0 【战争雷霆】AU-1击杀混剪 啦噗噗 149 0 1.99顶级房现状 佡悸Official 5.5万 236 【战争雷霆】MONEY MONEY MONEY 狐二番目 68 0 【战争雷霆...
War Thunder - Two Fronts Bundle AU$52.45Offers in app purchases AU$52.45+ DWG 2024 Bundle AU$67.45 AU$67.45 Enotria: The Last Song AU$52.45 AU$52.45 Maximum Football: Legend Edition Bundle AU$60.95Offers in app purchases AU$60.95+
于是沙特阿拉伯成为了 Au F.1 系列自行火炮的首个主要用户,随后伊拉克也购买了这款自行火炮。1983 年,Au F.1 终于进入法国陆军服役,在那之后,这款自行火炮经过了多次升级改造,但法国军方没有进行 Au F.2 项目的开发。至今,法国,沙特阿拉伯及科威特军队仍在使用 Au F.1。 在“贵族胄裔”重大更新中,Au F.1...
Au F.1 没有配备穿甲弹,玩家们在刚入手这款自行火炮时可以使用装药达 6.8kg TNT 的高爆榴弹。如此强力的高爆榴弹在战斗中可以通过超压杀伤敌人乘员击毁敌人载具,也能对敌人载具的模块造成大量伤害。不过在解锁时间引信炮弹后,Au F.1 的战斗力将更上一层楼。这种炮弹内含更大量的装药,还能在相对防护较薄弱的...
2010年1月8日 美国陆军工程兵团在南北战争和两次世界大战中主要负责建造桥梁与防御工事,其建造的人工港大大支援了盟军在诺曼底的登陆行动。除参加军事行动外,美国陆军工程兵团还投入了胡佛... 战争雷霆手游国际服官方入口 官网地址直达(附充值通道)_玩... 2...
War Thunder - AV-8B Night Attack Bundle Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.14Average rating 4.14 stars out of 5 stars from 366725 ratings 366725 ratings 61% 15% 11% 3% 11% Game and Legal Info This bundle includes:- AV-8B Night Attack (Rank 7, USA);- 2500 Golden Eagles;...
适用于au1和f4u7的魔女之旅伊蕾娜涂装(用于4和4b可以通过更改blk实现)希望你喜欢 WT Live // Camouflage by OharaRinne_CN #warthunder #live_wt #workshop This camouflage can be used for AU-1(USA) F4U-7(FRANCE) Character:Elaina-Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina I hope you like this ) ...
War Thunder - IJN Yamashiro Pack Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 3.00Average rating 3 stars out of 5 stars from 2 ratings 2 ratings 50% 0% 0% 0% 50% Game and Legal Info -IJN Yamashiro (Rank 5, Japan);-3000 Golden Eagles;-Premium account for 30 days.Yamashiro is a Fus...
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