Atypical Games Welcome to We are a group of passionate video game developers recognized world wide for high console quality gaming on the go. More about us 01 02 03 Latest releases: Our latest games Sky Gamblers: Air Supremacy Sky Gambler – Air Supremacy 2...
Atypical Games三款生存游戏:辐射岛、辐射之城、逃离切尔诺贝利,逃离切尔诺贝利,辐射之城,辐射岛,生存游戏,僵尸
Founded by a group of passionate video game developers, Atypical Games is a California-based company with a fresh take on publishing. Bringing the focus back to the player’s experience and the true values of game design, Atypical promises to bring to the public games of the highest quality ...
1、《辐射岛》 辐射岛相信大家可能有所耳闻,这是一款丧尸+生存的游戏。 辐射岛不仅是游戏名,也是玩家主要游戏的地区,由4块岛屿拼凑而成,组成了辐射的LOGO——☢。 故事主要背景就是在这岛屿上,日本人登陆了,然后,在一打乱七八糟的实验后,因为辐射——产生了大量的丧尸,“占领”了这座岛屿。而玩家则需要像所有...
Atypical Games简史 一提起Atypical Games,很多玩家就感到好像在哪见过那个红边白字的圆角长方形Logo,但是很可能怎么也想不起它到底是谁。 Atypical,意思是“非典型的,异乎寻常的”,这不仅仅是工作室渴望脱离喧嚣的手游市场乱象的目标,更是他们的信条。这是一家坐落于加州山景城的独立游戏公司,这里是硅谷的主要组成...
Based on our vehicle combat experience the beautiful engine behind our games we have crafted an exclusive tank combat game for the Nintendo Switch. Features A unique card-driven construction system, driven by single-player progression and multiplayer collaboration. Hundreds of million different vehicle ...
【辐射之城】Atypical Games高质量末日生存手游 Lu泽希 相关推荐 评论-- 1237 -- 28:48 App 末日生存新手游 Dysmantle《末日的第53天》试玩体验 20.1万 33 1:06 App 又一款能联机的末日生存手游!无沉迷! 4096 26 11:04:00 App 【才子解说】辐射岛全剧情攻略 7208 6 18:52 App 《辐射之城》开始新...
atypical games厂商信息 公司名称:atypical games公司 外文名称:atypical games 公司官网: 公司总部:美国 手机号码:+4(021)311 66 28 电子邮件地址:CONTACT@ATYPICALGAMES.COM atypical games公司介绍及游戏下载 Atypical Games由一群热情的视频游戏开发人员创立,是一家总部位于加利福尼...
游戏公司:Atypical GamesCOMPANY: ATYPICAL GAMES 按最近更新排列按发行时间排列按媒体评分排列按会员评分排列 战地霸主:进化Battle Supremacy: Evolution 辐射岛Radiation Island 战地霸主Battle Supremacy 搏击长空:空中霸权 2Sky Gamblers: Air Supremacy 2 搏击长空:风暴突击队 ...