Disclosed is a method for analyzing atypical cells in urine including: mixing urine, a diluent containing a surfactant, and a nucleic acid staining reagent to prepare a measurement specimen; irradiating the measurement specimen with light to detect scattered light and fluorescence light emitted from ...
The urine cytology findings were highly suggestive of a tumor due to the presence of large number of atypical cells with marked hyperchromasia, high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio in a necrotic background. Scattered cells with viral cytopathic changes were also identified, therefore indicating an ...
The Student's t-test of MN scoring was highly significant (P < 0.000) in test (atypical urothelial cells) versus control group (benign urothelial cells). MN is an important biomarker of malignancy. Micronuclear score in atypical urothelial cells in urine cytology smears may help in proper ...
Apoptosis and micronucleus in cervical pap smears: promising assays to increase the diagnostic value of the test. 106 inflammatory smears, 15 smears of Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance, 20 smears of Low grade squamous intraepithelial neoplasm, 12 smears of high grade squamous intraep...
cells with eccentric nuclei, often accompanied by intracytoplasmic mucin vacuoles (so-called“private acini”); the surrounding myoepithelial cell layer is retained. It is a non-palpable lesion seen in 1% to 3.6% of female breasts and carries a general increase in the risk of future breast ...
The majority (60 –70%) of CFH mutations is heterozygous missense mutations that cluster in the C-terminal region of CFH, a heparin binding domain (20 –22). Such mutants show decreased binding for glycosaminoglycans, endothelial cells, and C3b, the CFH ligand (20,23–25). In addition to...
1 This also applies to rare genetic diseases (RDs) where, with a few exceptions like in muscle or skin diseases,2,3 biopsies are rarely an integral part of diagnostic protocols or available for research purposes. Urine-derived stem cells (USCs) have shown to be a very promising source of ...
The impairment of beta cells in patients with LADA is a slower process compared to T1DM, which is why patients with LADA do not need insulin right away. By definition, people with LADA can go at least 6 months after diagnosis before they are so insulinopenic that they require insulin to ...
Functional analysis of the wild-type and mutant proteins was performed in human fibrosarcoma cells. Results: We identified a homozygous founder missense variant, c.133G > T (p.D45Y) in arylsulfatase G (ARSG). All patients shared a distinctive retinal phenotype with ring-shaped atrophy along ...
reported that the detection rate of VZV DNA was 88% in saliva, but only 28% in the plasma samples of patients with herpes zoster (12). VZV is thought to be bound to cells in the blood, and its level in plasma is almost half that in the whole blood (13), which can explain the ...